A Question

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Lincoln hesitated at the door, wondering if he should go in. As Jemma walked by, he stopped her. "Has she come out at all yet?" he asked. "No. I think she is still crying. You should go talk to her." "I wouldn't want to disturb-" Jemma cut him off. "Lincoln. She needs you." He put a hand on his shoulder. Then she walked off. Lincoln thought for a moment, took a deep breath, and entered. He saw her laying on the couch. He could hear the sound of her soft sobbing. "Daisy?" She didn't answer. "Daisy?" He repeated. She turned over to face him. "Hi Lincoln," she said quietly. He walked over, sat by her side, and said, "How are you doing?" She didn't answer. "Listen, if you need to talk about what happened-"
"I killed them."
"Civilians. All of them. It's my fault."
"I was trying to bring the building down on top of the mercenaries to stop them, but I didn't know they had civilians on the top floor. It's my fault." He put his arm around her and pulled her close. "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known."
"Daisy." She gazed into his eyes for a moment in silence."But this isn't the reason I came in here." He stood and pulled some thing out of his pocket."Daisy, I knew from the first time I saw you how beautiful you were. I soon learned about your kindness. You helped me see again that my power is not a curse, it is a gift." He got down on one knee in front of her. "I love you Daisy. Will you marry me?" Daisy stared in awe at him for a moment. "Lincoln, I- uh- yes. I love you too." They started to draw closer and closer, and their lips started to touch- then suddenly there was a bright flash as an explosion enveloped the room.

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