The Wedding

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      Daisy breathed quickly. She couldn't believe this day had come at last. She looked around, taking it all in.

      It all seemed like a dream.

   She tried not to think about how when the dream ended, she would have to face the harsh reality of the world again. 

    Nothing would ever really be the same again. Not without Simmons. She had been a member of their team from the very beginning, and now she was gone. Forever. It had been six months since that had happened, and Fitz still hadn't recovered. Daisy wondered if he ever would.

    Daisy shut her eyes tight, trying to get rid of those memories. She shouldn't think about that on her wedding day.

    But she couldn't help but not think of Simmons. She had always thought that when she got married, Simmons would be there, helping her with it. Something just felt- missing.


  Coulson's voice broke into her thoughts.

    "It's time."

   Daisy took a deep breath and briefly checked her reflection.

   She adjusted her veil, making sure it was straight. She turned back around, and prepared to walk through the door.

    Coulson took her arm and smiled. She had asked Coulson if he would walk her down the aisle, since she didn't have a father there to do it.

    He pushed open the door and they walked outside.

  Bobbi had reserved a beautiful park for the wedding, and it had a small building nearby which they had used to get ready.

     Coulson led Daisy toward the area where everything had been set up.

   The only, guests, of course, were SHIELD agents. Bobbi was her only bridesmaid, and Daisy had chosen May as her Maid of Honor.

      Lincoln's heart was beating fast. He was so happy that he finally got to marry the love of his life.

       He was so nervous and excited that he felt he was sweating a river.

   To be honest, Lincoln  was surprised this day had ever come. He had never felt that he deserved to be loved.

    It was all very strange, though. He never could have expected he would be married in this way. With SHIELD? With no family or anyone he knew very well present?

   But that didn't prevent him from feeling like it would be the best day of his life.

   He had been unsure who he should chose as his best man, seeing as he didn't know any of them super well.

   Finally, he had decided on Fitz, partially out of pity for him because of Simmons.

    Suddenly he spotted Daisy walking down the aisle and he was snapped out of his thoughts.

   Lincoln just stared at her, stunned. He couldn't do anything else. She was so beautiful, so perfect....he blinked back tears. He never wanted to leave this moment, but he knew it would be over in a flash.

    Daisy reached the end of the aisle and smiled. She couldn't help but feel immense joy. The moment had come. She was going to marry the man she loved so much.

    Lincoln's hands were shaking as he put the ring on her finger.  Daisy helped steady them, then slipped the ring on his finger.

       They both looked into each others eyes as their vows were said. And then the moment they had been waiting  for. They leaned in for their first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Campbell.

The End


Yay! Actual happiness! 

I had so much fun writing this Fan Fiction, and for my first ever fanfic I think it turned out ok. Thank you to everyone who read it! You guys are amazing!

(I made this collage a while ago for Daisy and Lincoln's wedding. Yes, Lincoln's wedding ring is a lightning bolt and Daisy's is, well, a Daisy!)

 Yes, Lincoln's wedding ring is a lightning bolt and Daisy's is, well, a Daisy!)

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