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       As soon as Toby made contact with Daisy, she felt an immense pain. It was as if every cell in her body was on the verge of exploding. She tried to fight against him, but her body wouldn't respond.

"Daisy!" Lincoln yelled.

Electricity crackled on his hand as moved towards Toby.

"Stop! Let her go!" He yelled.

"Or you'll kill me? I'm afraid this doesn't work like that. If you kill me, it'll kill her. It's a.... connection type of thing. Her life is connected to mine at the moment, so you can't kill me," Toby replied.

"What is he doing?" Joey asked.

"I'm draining her power, to hopefully add it to my collection," Toby said.

Daisy screamed in pain.

    Lincoln cried out in rage and shot electricity at Toby.

He just laughed.

"Didn't you hear me? You can't kill me if you want her to survive. There's nothing you can do."

Suddenly a rumbling noise was heard, and the whole room began to shake.

Toby sighed.

"We can't have that."

He tried to intensify the pain so Daisy would fall unconscious.

She fought to stay conscious. She knew she couldn't fight much longer. She was losing consciousness. Part of her said to just stop fighting, to just lose consciousness and have the pain go away. It would be so easy.

    But suddenly she heard a voice in her head. It was faint, she could barely hear it. It was Lincoln's voice, telling her to hold on. His voice brought her back to reality. She had to fight. for him.

     Lincoln realized what he needed to do. It was all he could do. He had to depend on Daisy for the rest.

The shaking had begun to subside. Toby smiled. It looked like he was going to succeed...

     But Lincoln's electricity caught him off guard.

He hadn't expected it, and it made him lose a bit of his grip on Daisy.

That was all she needed. 

   She used every last bit of strength she had, and it worked.

    Part of the roof  came crashing  down on top of Toby, and his grip on her released.

   She gasped, relief washing over her.

     Lincoln ran over to Daisy, pulling her away from the pile of wreckage. She smiled as she looked into his eyes.

    "Thank you," She said weakly.

   "No need to thank me. You're the one who did all of the work," Lincoln replied.

     She wrapped her arms around him shakily.

      Lincoln smiled and pulled her into a kiss.

     They two were oblivious to everything around them, including the hand which was sticking out from under the wreckage. It was pointed at them. Toby's hand began to glow, charging up a burst of energy.

     They broke apart as they heard a scream and a sound like and explosion.

   They looked around confused, until they saw Fitz running over to a body on the ground.

        It was Simmons's body.

   Daisy gasped and stood up, stumbling over to her body, and Lincoln followed.

     Fitz was bent over the lifeless body.

   "Jemma!" He yelled.  "JEMMA!"

      Daisy looked at her body. There was a hole right through her chest.

   She gasped.

      Toby, She thought.

   She saw his hand sticking out from under the wreckage, charging up another blast.

   Lincoln saw it as well. He sent a large blast of electricity towards him, and his hand went limp.

        Daisy bent over Simmons's body, and the other team members crowded around

   "Wha- what happened?" Daisy asked.

       "I guess Toby was about to shoot the two of you, but Simmons- she jumped in front of the energy," Coulson informed them.

    Daisy looked down, feeling guilty. If they had just been paying attention...

   She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up. It was Lincoln.

   "You couldn't have known what would happen. She died to save us," He said.

  Daisy nodded, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

  Fitz was still bent over the body, crying now. Mack was next to him, trying to comfort him.

   Sadness showed on everyone's face, even May's.

     Daisy turned towards Lincoln, and he wrapped her in a tight embrace as she cried into his shirt. He stroked her hair.

   "It's going to be ok. It'll be ok."



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