The Search Continues

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They landed at the location Fitz gave them and exited the Quinjets to meet Joey and Elena.

"Hey," Joey said.

"Hi," Elena said. She smiled at Mack. He smiled back.

"Ok," Daisy said. "Do we all know what the plan is?" They all nodded. "Then let's go!"

They split off into three groups. Each group went in a different way, and a different Inhuman was in each group. With Daisy was Hunter and Bobbi, with Elena was Mack and Fitz, and with Joey was Coulson and May. A few other agents also accompanied each team.

Daisy entered the facility with her group. She held a gun at the ready. As she turned a corner, some of Toby's men came at her. She knocked them down with her powers, and Bobbi and Hunter took out a few who had come up behind them. They made their way down the hall, taking out more guards.

"How was Toby able to convince this many people to work for him?" Bobbi asked. "I mean, how could a guy like him simply 'convince' all these people to help him? It doesn't make sense."

Daisy nodded, only half listening. They searched every room they came across, but still couldn't find Lincoln.

"Where could he be?" Daisy exclaimed, frustrated. "He has to be somewhere!"

"We'll find him, Daisy," Bobbi assured her.

"Yeah, no worries," Hunter put in. "There's only about a million places he could be in this humongous place."

The two women gave him a death glares.

"What?" He said defensively. "Just trying to lighten the mood a bit!" Bobbi rolled her eyes and they continued on. They reached another door and, hoping it was the right one, Daisy kicked it open.

She was relieved to see Lincoln lying on a bed in the middle of the room. She rushed to his side.

"Lincoln!" She exclaimed.

"Daisy," He said faintly.

"I'm here to get you out now. It's OK,"

"No. Daisy. It''s a..." he tried to say, then suddenly the door was slammed shut and she whirled around.

Bobbi and Hunter's guns were lifted, and what seemed like an army of Toby's guards had appeared.

"Trap...," Lincoln finished. Daisy raised her hands in front of her and made some of the guards go flying. Bobbi and Hunter began firing at them and dived behind some cover.

"There's too many!" Bobbi shouted over the gunfire.

"I could have told you that, Bob," Hunter responded. Bobbi shot him a look.

"We need to get the team here now!" Bobbi continued.

"The comms are down!" Daisy yelled in response, crouching behind Lincoln's bed.

      "Where did Toby get all of these freaking people anyways?" Daisy muttered.

They tried to hold them off as best as they could, but there were too many. Daisy hoped they could hold their ground until the rest of the team reached them.

    Suddenly she heard a noise behind her, but before she could react, it all went black.


Daisy woke up with a groan. She opened her eyes and saw Toby standing in front of her. She turned her head and saw the rest of the team lined up on either side of her, some of them unconscious, some of them awake.

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