A Need for Revenge

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Daisy hit her head so hard she blacked out for a moment, but it would take more than that to take her down. She scrambled to her feet to get ready for the next attack. She spat blood out of her mouth. "Come out you coward!" She yelled. This time when the strange explosion came, she was ready. She used her powers to propell herself of the ground, away from the energy explosion. The mysterious person laughed. "My," he said, "You are a quick one! But you cannot evade me for long! I will find you!" Daisy rolled her eyes. Whoever this person was, he was obviously crazy. She thought over a plan in her head. She knew she had to draw them out so she could see them. She groped around on the wall until she found a switch. She flipped it, and the room was flooded with light. She yelled at the maniac in the adjoining room. "You're right! I can't hide. So come and get me!" The eerie laugh sounded again. "And follow you in to your trap? I think not. But I believe you will find the accommodations of that particular room most enjoyable." Before Daisy had time to react, the floor opened up beneath her and she fell into a pit of inky blackness.
"Gone! Where!" Coulson exclaimed.
   "I don't know sir , I just walked into the room to tell her the good news, and she was gone! I checked everywhere, but she isn't anywhere to be found," Fitz replied. "She must have found out where the energy signature was coming from. We need to move. NOW!" Coulson said urgently. Fitz hurried away and Coulson followed. He went to help round up the rest of the team. When they were all gathered, Coulson informed them of the situation. "Alright," he began. "We know Daisy left the building soon after Fitz and Simmons located the energy signature. So, we can only assume that she is headed there. We need to head there, find Daisy, and find out what this energy signature is coming from. Got it?"
"Yes sir," they all responded.
"Ok then. May, Mack, Fitz, Hunter, Morse, and I will go. Simmons, you stay here and monitor Lincoln. Ok then. Let's go!" They all left the room to get ready, except for May and Coulson. "Phil," she said.
"You know we have no idea what we are walking into."
    "Yes, I know."
"Aren't you the least bit worried? We're risking almost the entire team!"
     "We can't leave Daisy, May."
"I'm not proposing we leave her but-"
     "We have to do this May. That's final." With that he left.
"Yes, sir," May muttered and left the room also.
Daisy hit the floor hard. It was dark in this room also. The trap door above her closed, leaving her in total darkness. She scrambled to her feet. Suddenly the room was flooded with light. She squinted into the brightness. She could make out a figure entering the room in front of her. She was filled with anger and lashed out, knocking them back and violently shaking every cell in their body. Suddenly she heard the same laugh as earlier, and was thrown against the wall. It felt as if an iron hand was gripping her throat, squeezing it so she could not breathe and also pinning her so she could not move. The figure came close to her and her eyes finally adjusted to the light, revealing a hideous being in front of her. It placed its hideous face in front of her. "Hello, Daisy Johnson," it said. "It's nice to finally meet face to face." She tried to concentrate and use her powers, but before she could, she drifted off into blackness.

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