Chapter 11

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Song of the chapter: the Worst- Jhene Aiko

"You killing the mood, with your attitude"
-Seyvn Streeter

Lana's POV
After locking the door I turned around staring at Xander as he lay down on his bed, staring at the ceiling above him. It was quiet, not an awkward type of quiet but a peaceful one. I took a step forward, only to result in the floor creaking making his head turn towards me.

"What do you want" he said as he raised an eyebrow.

"I-I only came to see if you're alright" I whispered as I stared into his eyes.

"Well as you can see, I'm just fine" he answered back before returning his gaze to the ceiling.

I let out a sigh of annoyance before strutting over towards him, determination sparking like fire in my eyes. I stopped at his bedside glaring down at him, before flicking his forehead.


"Ow what was that for" He groaned

"For being a douche" I exclaimed before sitting myself down on the bed.

He sat up rolling his eyes before staring at me his eyes zeroing in on something in particular. I froze as he drew closer to me, his hand softly coming in contact with my neck as it slipped passed my hoodie.

My hand gripped onto his wrist before my eyes came in contact with his own.

"I saw it Lana" he said.


"S-saw what" I stuttered as I moved away from him my head casting down as I avoided eye contact.

"Stop with the bullshit Lana" he snapped making me flinch.

"L-look I-I mea-it's nothing"  I said nervously as I turned my back away from him.

"Will you please, stop turning away from me Lana, I'm trying to help you and all you keep on doing is either turning away from me or pushing me away from you. What do you want me to do for fûcks sake!" He exclaimed as he rose from the bed walking towards me.

"J-j-just s-stop" I stuttered as I stood up.

"Jesus Christ! Lana wha- sit down!-where are you going, wait Lan-" I ran out of the room running even faster when I heard the sound of his footsteps coming from behind me.

"No Lana slow down!!!" He yelled but it was too late.

It was like it had all happened in slow motion as my foot missed a step, a gasp escaping past my lips as I had lost my footing as I reached out my hand to catch Xander's, only for me to miss as I brushed my finger tips against his own before I went tumbling down the winding flights of stairs.

The last I saw was Xander running down the steps his hand reaching out to me before it all went black.

Hey guys
I had to rewrite this chapter because I had accidentally deleted it unfortunately, which really annoyed me since I had to try my best to remember what I had written before.

Please vote and comment and for any new readers if this chapter is not showing for any reason please tell me.

- Rio

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