Chapter 32

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Song of the chapter:  7/11- Beyoncé

Lana's POV

School was school, the hallways were crammed and students chatted away with their friends. The only difference was the fact that Eva was suspended and her friends weren't even in school.

The place felt peaceful that was until the school bell rang and the hallway went into overdrive. I had all my books for my first class which was geography, a subject that I hated with a passion.

Wandering in the hall I walked to geography along with Antonio, since he and I were in the same class.

"Hey Antonio," I said as we turned round a corner.

"Mhm" he said as he looked down at me.

"Why did Xander get annoyed when I mentioned Heath" I asked as we drew closer to the class.

"He's probably jealous" Antonio said as we stopped in front of the classroom door.

"Of what!?" I said quizzically.

I opened the classroom door seeing that the class was half full, walking inside I took a seat in the second last row next to the window. Antonio sat down beside me.

"Why would Xander be jealous?" I asked Antonio.

"Well the fact that you've made a new male friend, and since you haven't been hanging around us in a while he's kinda hurt, but Xander's a tough guy with reticent feelings" Antonio explained.

"Your the first girl that he's ever shown interest in, and even if you don't see it a lot of people can" Antonio continued.

"You mean Xander likes me?" I said incredulously.


"Okay class it's geography time, so let's get started shall we" mr.Martin announced.

I let out an annoyed groan looking outside the window as class droned on. The only thoughts that invaded my mind when ever I tried to concentrate was the fact that,

Xander likes me


Classes flew by pretty fast and before I knew it school ended. I had no confrontations with Jaime. Heath didn't come to school today which annoyed me since I wanted to know if he got home alright. At lunch I sat with Xander and Antonio, bringing Tasha and Elease with me. They all got to know each other pretty well so it was fun.

I was currently waiting for Xander and Antonio outside of the school with Tasha and Elease.

"So are you guys going to Jaime's party tonight?" I asked as I leaned against the brick wall.

"I-I can't go.." Elease said as she looked elsewhere somewhat nervous.

"Why not?" I said as I gave her a pouting face.

"Lele has a phobia of parties" Tasha said.

"But are you going Tasha?" I asked.

"Hell yeah I'm going, I need to show these hoes who can slay the dance floor" Tasha said as she did a mini dance making both Elease and I laugh.

"You're crazy" Elease laughed as she jumped down from the wall.

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