Shoutout to thepeister1, who asked for a chapter on those guys that just . . . Well, they just . . . Wow, I can’t even . . . Okay clearly I can’t form sentences. That’s how bad these guys get. Like really guys. Really.
I’m really sorry that you have to read this chapter.
Because it will be the most cliché thing you have ever read in your life.
If you’ve read a book of any kind involving romance between a male and female, you already know who I’m about to talk about.
He is the most cliché person you have ever met in your life.
He’s conceited, rude, wears brand name clothing, and always has a smirk on his face.
And, of course, he’s incredibly hot.
This guy is the Jerk. His name is Jerko.
. . . Yeah I totally ran out of creativity today. I’m sorry.
In my defense, this time I’m talking about a guy. So it’s more work for me. I figure you might as well add an o to the word and call it a day, right? Right.
So Jerko is the guy that thinks he pretty much rules the world and Mars while he’s at it. He has a whole bunch of respect from the guys and he knows he’s good looking. Girls don’t necessarily want to date him, but I mean, come on, girls.
Even if you hate his guts.
He’s hot!
And we girls like pretty things. Not always to marry them, but it can’t hurt to stare, I mean . . .
It’s only fair for us to have our daily dose of stalkage . . .
And I mean it’s totally healthy for us.
Wait, what was I saying? Oh, right. Jerko.
So as you know, my class had the whole “note incident”. And believe it or not, the long list of victims that were involved in the notes included him. Because duh, this guy was like really cute. So naturally, everyone liked him.
Okay, I’m sorry; that was a complete and utter lie. Everyone has had an argument of some kind with this kid. Even me, man. Sometimes even I didn’t like him. And I like everyone!
But even though not everyone liked him, no one could ever deflate his ego. If it were a balloon, not a single needle in this world would be able to pop it. Not a knife, or a pen. Or an animal claw.
Shoot, even a Katty claw wouldn’t help the balloon explode. And we know what kind of claws these Kattys have.
But anyway. Not only was Jerko a suspect, but he was also involved and inside the notes. Like really involved. As in, his name was printed in size-fourteen-font 2,482,038 times all over the very first note, involved.
At first people suspected him, because well . . . he was hot and he liked attention, so why not. But then one day we found a note that said he was ugly. And he made the valid point of going, “Obviously it’s not me. Why would I call myself ugly? I’m beautiful!”
Which was totally true. But that is so not the point right now.
Let me tell you what the point is.
. . . Just, um. Just give me a second to get back to it . . .
Okay. Notes. That’s what we were talking about. We were talking about Jerko and the notes. And the point of this conversation was . . . well, it was . . .
[ON HOLD] 36 Students in a Classroom
HumorUpdate: This story has been discontinued. - I am terribly sorry. Your mother lied to you. She told you that you were unique, and that as a teenager you have a whole bunch of options you can choose from to determine who you want to be. She must have...