Echo was just a few blocks away from top shelf. The club had once been a shoe factory back in the 90's and that was one of the main reasons the owner had bought the property. It was big and easily fit at least 300 people, 500 on a packed night.
The club had been remodeled so it fit the modern vibe of lounge areas, flashing lights, DJ stages, vip areas, upper levels with private rooms or more secluded tables and of course the main dance area. The thing that made Echo unique though was most of the old equipment the owner had kept.
For instance the bar was an old assembly line so your drinks could literally be moved down to you. Dancers hung from ropes attached to old but still sturdy beams in the ceiling. The offices all private rooms or viewing areas.
It was incredibly modern and exciting but still somehow classic and unique. It was no wonder the place had been such a hit, there was no other like it in Chicago.
When they got there Gage led them all straight to the front of the line, whispered something to the bouncer, pointed in Ray's direction, and the girls were all pleasantly surprised when the bouncer let them all in.
"Are you secretly famous or something?" Danny asked with a raised eyebrow and Ray just smirked.
"Not in the way you think." He smiled softly and winked, knowing she wouldn't catch the double meaning of what she said, before letting her go and moving to weave through the crowd.
When he was gone Aubree grabbed her and pulled her closer to them. "How do they know him here?!" She yelled over the music. "Is he famous?"
"That's what I asked already. Gage, you guys come here a lot or something?"
Gage, who had a hand on Monica's hip and was already dancing to the music and downing a shot looked up and laughed before shaking his head. "You see that office up there? That's where the owner is, A.K.A his old man."
"His dad owns this place?!"
"Well, his step-dad. Ray can't stand the bastard but their cordial enough that he gets special treatment at places like this."
At that moment Ray came back with a tray full of drinks and a key dangling from his pinky finger. Gage nodded a thanks and took a drink and the girls followed in his steps. They downed the shots and quickly were engulfed in the crowd, Gage grinning like a boy on Christmas as he danced with both girls. Leaving Ray and Danny to themselves.
"Come on," Ray whispered in her ear, "I got us a room."
He slid his hand back into Danny's and she swallowed as she followed his broad shoulders in and out of the crowd and eventually up the steps. The rooms weren't all that big but they were good enough. The walls were a deep red color with one long L-shaped black leather couch, one similar in leather reclining chair, a large table between them, and a mini fridge filled with drinks. The music could still be heard from outside easily but it was softer now and more of the bass.
Ray dropped the key on the table and went to grab some drinks while Danny sat down. It was weird but, even though they'd been in a room alone before, there was something about this setting that made her mouth water with nerves, her chest hot, and her breath short.
Maybe it was because back at her house and in her room she was in her comfort area. One look at him and she knew this was his now.
He was in control.
"So your step-dad owns this place?" Danny asked, tugging on the ends of her hair, something she always did when she was nervous. Ray sat down next to her with two beers in hand and nodded as he slid out of his jacket.

Beauty And Her Beast
RomanceHe never wanted to be good, until he met her. He liked the feeling of fighting, until he met her. He liked being feared by everyone, until he met her. His favorite game was Russian Roulette, until he met her. ...