"Now I burn you. All of you."
When Vincent spoke, there seemed to be a new wave of fear that washed over the room and Danny sunk into Freddy's side as he lifted them from the chairs they sat in and made a bee line towards the doors. They were close, only a few feet away, when the exit was suddenly blocked by a group of men who all carried guns longer and bigger than Danny's forearm.
The Russians.
"Vino! Where is my money?!" the man in the front screamed as he strode into the room as if he owned the place.
If he planned to speak Sammy didn't give him the opportunity to as he screamed an order and before Danny or Freddy could move gunshots were filling the air and Danny swore as she hit the ground hard, Freddy's weight on top of her. Screams echoed in the ballroom as guest were hit and the gunshots multiplied as men who hadn't even been in the conversation joined in the fight. It seemed everyone in the room had a gun and so many people were shooting that it was hard to distinguish who was shooting who, or if the men even knew what side to join.
Amidst the chaos Danny caught a glimpse of Vincent and her blood burned at the way he moved, taking down whoever stumbled upon his path of destruction. He had yet to put down his glass piece and sliced into person after person, seeming to take joy from bathing in their blood as his eyes stayed wide and unblinking. He took hits but never once slowed and only screamed instead, his body powering on as he destroyed whoever was closest to him.
She spotted Gage and Rico next who must have come in with the Russian's and they were each positioned behind a table firing into the crowd, their aim on the men Sammy had hired as guards or the men who were so obviously still on his side.
Even Freddy had stumbled to his feet and was locked in a hand to hand battle with a man who Danny had never seen before, but who seemed to be out for blood.
It was chaos, a chaos worse than anything Danny had ever seen before, and she was frozen where she lay as she watched body after body hit the floor with bullet holes oozing blood from their backs as they tried to run.
She watched as a woman cried and crawled towards the exit, only to get kicked hard in the face by one of the fighting Russian's and then shot in the back of her head as another man stepped over her now deceased body.
It was brutal and though Danny knew it would be, though she told herself she knew the Mafia was bad, she couldn't have expected something like this. She couldn't have prepared herself for the......for the suffering.
Just as she was getting the courage to move again, a heavy hand came down on her shoulder and she shrieked as she was yanked backwards, she didn't even get to see her attackers face before his fist was slamming hard into her chin and her head snapped back, banging hard against the marble flooring.
"You one of Sammy's whores? Huh?! Well you're mine now! Fuck Sammy, thinking he can take my money and not pay me anything in return!"
"N-No! I'm not-"
"Shut up!"
The man slapped her again before suddenly his hands were around her neck and he was squeezing. She could feel the weight of his body on top of hers and she gasped out, tears brimming at the corner of her eyes as she tried desperately to reach for the knife pressed against her thigh.
Unfortunately, the man followed her movements and reached it before she could. Danny blinked and choked on a sob as he snatched the knife so quickly and fiercely that he cut her leg in the process. Just before he could bring it down over her the weapon was suddenly snatched from his hand and Danny cried out as he was stabbed repeatedly in the back before falling to the side.

Beauty And Her Beast
RomanceHe never wanted to be good, until he met her. He liked the feeling of fighting, until he met her. He liked being feared by everyone, until he met her. His favorite game was Russian Roulette, until he met her. ...