Hello again my little mobsters!How have you been?
Are you surviving okay without constant doses of Ray and his charms??
Anyway, I have two announcements for you :)
Number one is that I'm going to start editing this book next week so if you see updates it's most likely that. I might better explain some things in a few chapters for anyone who wants to re-read the book but I don't plan on making any major changes so if you don't want to, don't feel the need to.
Number two, shout-out to dreamanisdreamboat for nominating me for the Fiction Awards 2017!!!!
*Insert applause here*
I honestly had no idea these even existed to be honest so yay for finding out new stuff but serious yay for being nominated because it means a lot to me!!
So once again thank you dreamanisdreamboat!!
Anyway, the Fiction Awards are exactly what they sound like and while may not be a Watty, are still a big deal I think and I would be HONORED to win one.
So help me out?
If you liked this story at all and think it's worth honoring all you have to do is go to the book and comment my username under Best of the Little's, or comment my username AND book title under one of the other categories that fit my book.
You don't have to follow the people, donate money, or anything else haha.
All it takes is a simple tagging of my username.
So please please please, if you have time, go and shout me out and spread the word too if possible!
You can look up the book under Fictions Awards 2017 or you can just go to my reading list on my page because I have it there.
I'll still love you even if you don't haha, but my heart might swell for you just a bit more if you do ;)
Thanks again and don't forget to check out the sequel to this one Pride and it's Prejudice which I'll be updating soon!

Beauty And Her Beast
RomanceHe never wanted to be good, until he met her. He liked the feeling of fighting, until he met her. He liked being feared by everyone, until he met her. His favorite game was Russian Roulette, until he met her. ...