24 - Dinner Confessions

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I hope this chapter is good enough for you guys because I don't think it's my best to be honest. There's a lot I want to happen and it's hard trying to figure exactly how to place it or jumble it into a chapter. But, alas! I tried my best. So happy friday and hope you enjoy!

The first time it happened Ray had walked in on his father abusing his mother and, when trying to intervene, his father had struck him so hard his ribs snapped. He thought he'd die of the pain.

The second time happened when his father died and he feared something was wrong with him for not feeling any sort of remorse or heartbreak.

The third time was when Rowan confessed that she'd been tied to a pole and raped repeatedly.

Now, for the fourth time in his life, it was happening again.

"Pull it together man, it's not that bad."

Ray ignored Gage, focusing instead on the thundering in his chest and the sweating of his palms. He could feel movement around him and he registered Gage speaking, but he was deft to all his other senses. The only thing that occupied his attention at the moment were the macabre thoughts swimming through his mind like a plague slowly overtaking his body.

Now, for the fourth time in his life, Ray felt like he had failed someone he cared for. 


Gage snapped his fingers and for just a moment Ray was able to focus on the real world in front of him. After getting off the phone with Freddy Ray had immediately moved into action. Before, when he was calculating a plan and extracting what would be necessary to keep moving he hadn't had time to stop and think. His brain and the uncertain thoughts and doubts that could essentially cripple a person hadn't been able to catch up to him yet. 

But now there was nothing he cold do but sit and wait for the call and it was that immobility that left him open and vulnerable for what he knew was the undeniable truth.

He'd fücked up. 

There was no way Danny would accept him after today. Whether he came in guns and knives blazing like her shinning armor ready to rescue her from whatever Freddy had done, she would still hate him. And why wouldn't she? Now, because he'd stalled in his truth and hadn't told her himself, she'd found out by a man who was no better or worse than Ray. By a man who'd kidnapped and was holding her hostage because of Ray. 

Now, not only was Ray a murderer and criminal, but he was a liar as well. 

"Has Freddy sent the meet up time yet? Rowan and the kids are at Rico's and Felix took out all the money you asked and transferred it. Not to make things worse, but we all know Felix can't keep a secret for shit. Sammy's gonna find out eventually and he's gonna be pissed when he figures out you have a burner account."

"I know. The money won't be in there long."

Ray sat back in the passenger seat of the hoopty Gage had stolen. He tired to focus on the road as they drove but instead his mind wondered back to Danny once again. He could almost see her face, taste her tears, when he all but admitted to being a serial killer over the phone. Danny was good. She could have a fiery attitude and when tempted right she was up for being a bit bad, but at the end of the Day she was the type of girl to settle down and be happy. She would fit perfectly in a white house with a red door, picket fence, and a golden retriever running around in the yard. 

If ever there had been hope for Ray fitting into that image as well it was gone now.

"Can I ask again why we're hiding all of this from Sammy? The guy who said Sammy had a hit on you isn't very reliable you know?"

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