37 - Winging It

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Just a heads up, if you notice I have times on each little section and thats because the events of last chapter and this chapter all happen in the same day. Hopefully it won't confuse you, I just wanted to make sure I was able to cover exactly what each character was doing leading up to the end of the night. 


Gage forced his fingers through the thin holes of his gloves, the leather tying off tightly just around his knuckles. Flexing his hands, he reached for the gun on the table in front of him and smiled at the way the smooth leather seemed to serve as a sort of adhesive, securely keeping the gun from slipping through the fold of his palms which would most certainly sweat.

"Are you ready?" he asked, looking up and across the table at Ray who was currently strapping a handheld to his thigh. Ray looked up, those infamous eyes of his swirling as he clicked the safety of a gun.

He nodded. "Did you sleep last night?"

"Enough," came Gage's response accompanied with a shrug of his shoulders. He looked at the table in front of them and couldn't help but chuckle to himself. The wood of the surface was completely covered with guns of all sorts and models and there wasn't a lack of knives or other handheld weapons like grenades or dusters either. "I told Aubree we were all just going to talk, she'd punch me with one of these dusters if she saw all this shit now."

"You've been talking about Aubree a lot lately," Ray muttered and, had their circumstances been different, he would have spared some time to tease his friend. Gage liked pretty much anyone with breast and a wet hole between their legs, the fact that he enjoyed sex and using woman to their advantages was nothing new. But he only ever talked about those advantages. Perhaps if he were commenting on Aubree's ass or the ways he looked without a bra, Ray wouldn't have been so curious.

"You're the one who put me on fucking babysitting duty for the past month. Don't turn this shit into something it ain't, I just like her as a friend is all."

"She's a pretty friend."

Gage flicked Ray off and Ray smirked softly as he loaded up a duffel bag with all their weapons. Once everything was packed away and the table cleared of anything that could be traced back to them, the boys took a step back just as Rico stepped into the room with two different sets of keys. He looked between the two of them before tossing one pair to Ray and another to Gage.

"Freddy just picked Danny up. Their headed to the meeting point with Vincent to get ready."

"And our friend?"

"On a flight over. He lands in four hours."

Nodding, Ray took his keys and turned to send a warning glare in Gage's direction. "Don't fuck this up Gage. If you get caught I'm killing you my damn self."

Gage flashed Ray with that carefree megawatt smile that always seemed to be it's prettiest just before he got himself into some trouble. "Ah don't worry bout me buddy, I've just gotta dump a few dead bodies, you're the one who has to break into a mansion."


Ray breathed as he moved through the halls, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths that he tried to regain control of. His hands were shaking and his eyes were darting back and forth as he waited for someone, anyone, else to appear as he stalked his way thought the large mansion. He'd cut the alarms before he entered the house and the loud shots of gunfire had ceased only minutes after he'd stepped through the door.

By his mistake, Sammy had only assigned five guards to protect the mansion home in the suburbs of Chicago that he only rarely visited. All five men were dead now and Ray was running on the adrenaline of a fresh kills. His heart was racing and his finger hand't yet left the trigger of his gun. He was covered in blood, but luckily none of it was his.

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