Thanks for the votes and reading! Please don't forget to comment too :)The diner Ray chose to take everyone for breakfast was just a ten minute drive from his house. The outside of the building was a hideous periwinkle color with silver window frames and a giant, glowing pink sign that read 'Cassie's.' From the outside the place was nothing special being located next to a small, run down grocery store and the highway. The paint on the walls was chipping, the dumpster in the back was clearly overflowing, the pavement and the parking lot terrible, and there were hardly any customers at all.
It was evident to anyone with functioning eyes and a brain that this was clearly the bad part of town.
"Do you come here a lot?" Danny asked as she slid into the booth across from Ray. The kids -excluding Jimi who Ray kept close in a highchair at the end of the table- were quick to claim their own booth just opposite them.
The first impression of the diner had turned Danny off but the inside wasn't so bad. It was plain with white walls, deep purple carpet, and a ring of booths surrounding a pattern of tables in the center. There weren't too many decorations and there were even less customers but overall the inside was clean at the least.
Jimi reached for the silver knife on the table and Ray slid the utensils to the side and brushed the little boys blonde hair from his face, reaching up and fixing his own as well.
"Yeah, kinda. I know it looks bad, but the kitchen is clean and the food is great."
"I trust your judgement," Danny smiled softly which meant more to Ray than she could have guessed. Ray knew where he stood on the social scale of life and he knew what part of the city of Chicago he lived in. He wasn't ashamed of it and he wasn't gonna try and pretend it wasn't so bad when he knew it was. To Ray, this was just the life he lived. But he knew it wasn't Danny's and so, truth be told, he was a little apprehensive about bringing her here.
The fact that she adjusted so quickly once she got over the initial shock of the environment and no longer seemed to mind only deepened the feelings he had for her.
A server came from the kitchen just then and Ray frowned at the mop of red hair, green eyes, and cocky smile. Ray knew everyone here and everyone here knew Ray. Except this guy. This guy was new and by the way he grinned as he walked over and ogled Danny, he clearly didn't know Ray either.
"Hey, welcome to Cassie's. What can I get you guys to drink?"
Was he chewing gum? Wait no, correction, was he chewing and popping his gum? Danny didn't seem to notice but Ray was clenching his fist around the menu in his hands.
"I want orange juice," Elvis said, his little sister screaming chocolate milk after him.
"Juice!" Jimi screamed, not caring what kind so long as it was juice.
"Um, I'll just take a water with lemon."
"You sure that's all you want, sweetheart? I'd be happy to add my number to the menu if you'd like."
Danny flushed red at the flirt and gave a light, embarrassed chuckle. She glanced at Ray only to frown when she saw how dark his eyes were. It was evident by his clenched jaw and frown that he was annoyed but it was like the color of his eyes had literally darkened according to his mood.
And all that darkness was directed towards their waiter.
"Um, he'll take a coke," Danny said in quick attempts to send the guy away. Once the waiter was gone she slid her hand across the table and placed it over Ray's. His knuckles were sharp.

Beauty And Her Beast
عاطفيةHe never wanted to be good, until he met her. He liked the feeling of fighting, until he met her. He liked being feared by everyone, until he met her. His favorite game was Russian Roulette, until he met her. ...