33 - We've Almost Won

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This song makes me drunk with emotions^^^

Ray swallowed as he clenched and unclenched his fingers around the wheel, his knuckles white with tension. 

Ray had done a lot in his life but this was by far the most difficult thing he'd ever done. He could feel his jaw ticking with irritation and his palms were sweating with nerves. It didn't help that Danny sat in the seat next to him with her head down and eyes glued to her phone. It had only been a few hours since Vincent revealed all he knew and, despite everything that happened leading up to that, Danny was refusing to talk to anyone. 

She'd spoken to Rowan and even Gage, but as far as Ray went, only the necessary sentences had been shared between their lips. There was no kissing, no hugging, no lovesick looks or anything. And it made Ray feel like shit.

At first he was kind of sad about not having his love in his arms, especially considering he'd been worried shitless when she wouldn't wake up. Now though, after letting the tension between them build and trying to pretend they weren't currently on the edge of their relationship, he was just irked. 

He wanted Danny to talk to him, he did, but he had too much other shit on his plate to beg for her forgiveness. Even if he was the one that had been an ass and started the whole argument that got them to this point. 

Danny sunk her teeth down into her bottom lip, finally looking up only to focus on the ragged houses and tress that blurred past them as Ray drove. Her mind was reeling and there was a constant fuzziness in her stomach that made her feel like she was just seconds away from throwing up. 

Danny wasn't dumb. She knew the tension was building and maybe she wasn't helping it, maybe she was just being childish and dramatic by letting it build despite knowing what all was going on, that things had just taken another turn and it wasn't exactly a turn for the best.

But how could she just let everything go when the last thing she remembered was Ray screaming at her for having hope for their future? Despite it being a memory, the words were still fresh in her aching brain and the sting they came with hadn't lessened any. And now that they knew Sammy's real goal and were so close to intercepting it, Danny couldn't help but wonder where that left her.

If she was the key piece to getting the will, what would happen once she turned it over? Sammy would know she no longer had it and it probably wouldn't be long before the men beat Sammy all together.

So where did that leave Danny?

Would Ray still her want her then? Surely she'd gotten on his nerves and now that it was all gonna be over she was no longer his burden to carry. She didn't doubt his love, just his intentions to prolong it. Because no matter how much they loved each other, Danny just couldn't handle ending up like Rowan and Rico. She didn't want to be trapped in an endless game of tug of war as they two of them fought to hold onto to something that was doomed from the beginning. Ray had plans for his future that clearly didn't involve Danny or any real commitment for that matter.

So, was their a point of trying to break and then mend and then break her again as she tried to fit Ray into her own?

Sighing, Danny watched as Ray pulled over to the curb in front of a three story apartment building. The area wasn't that nice, still a little sketch, but it was better than the neighborhood Ray had first taken Danny too. The one where she found out he lived. 

The apartment building was only three stories and made of brick. Each apartment had a patio facing the street and the door to the building was gated in you either needed to have a key or to be buzzed in.

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