Above is a video of the smexi Ray King/Charlie Brown! Consider it a treat for all the nice votes and comments ;) oh, and this story is officially entered in the Watty's 2016 so wish me luck! Enjoy, mwuah!
Ray hissed as the needle was woven through his skin and blood trickled down his shoulder slowly. Getting stitches was never fun, but it was even less so when you had to do it yourself.
"So when are you gonna go?" Gage asked from his position on the couch.
Ray ignored him, focusing on the flimsy string he was struggling to tie off. The stitches Rico had given for his shoulder wound the other night were fine until this morning, when Ray went on an extra circular activity that required a little more physical exertion than he'd anticipated. Now he stood in one of the rooms of Sammy's 'dungeon' trying to patch himself up before he got back to work.
Finishing off the stitches and rinsing his hands, Ray pulled his shirt back on and rolled his shoulders, cracking his neck in the process. He cleaned the area up and turned around to face his friend who was still pretty immobile due to his own wound.
"I'll leave later tonight, I need to see Danny first and let her know I'll be gone for a few days."
With nothing else said, Ray opened the door of the living area they'd been in and stepped into a much smaller, smothered room. The room was fitted with cold cement walls and there were no windows to be found. The coloring was dark and the air was thick with musk and humidity. In the far corner there was a metal toilet and next to it was a metal basin for washing your hands. The stench of such a pitiful bathroom filled the room and immediately Ray's face contorted into a frown.
"You ready to talk now?" he called out, watching as the dark figure in the middle of the room tried his best to inch away from him.
Ray smiled.
The other night when Ray had gone to help Gage it put things into perspective for the young gangster.
Though he would never admit it, Sammy may have been right: Ray had let Danny distract him. A few months ago if Ray had been given a hit order the man would have been dead the next day, that weekend at the latest. Ray had been ordered to kill Freddy and now, nearly two months later, the man was running wild and doing and shooting as he pleased.
Gage's condition, Sammy being annoyed and pissed off, and Freddy stirring up trouble within the Mafia's members and associates, that was all Ray's fault.
How could he have gotten so comfortable simply watching movies and holding his girl? How could a simple kiss give him more pleasure than the vibration of a freshly fired gun? Of the high of the hunt, of a game of russian roulette, of a sweet victorious kill.
Where the hell had Charlie Brown gone?
"Fück you you sick piece of shit!" the man sputtered, spitting on the blood flooding his mouth.
Ray chuckled softly and shook his head as he circled the man, re-wrapping his knuckles in gauze. "thats not the answer I wanted to hear," Ray sighed. Once he hands were covered and his knuckled wouldn't bruise as bad hopefully, Ray flexed his fingers before taking a breath and leaning into a punch. The man called out, screaming bloody murder and shifting his body weight as if he could somehow drop out of the chains wrapped around his wrist and keeping him suspended from the ceiling.
Ray was relentless as he put all of his weight into each and every one of his punches, his aim being the man's rib cage. Earlier Ray had fucked his face up beyond recognition. He was sure the entirety of man's facial structure would be swollen for the following month. Now his only option was to make his way lower and lower until the man finally broke.

Beauty And Her Beast
RomanceHe never wanted to be good, until he met her. He liked the feeling of fighting, until he met her. He liked being feared by everyone, until he met her. His favorite game was Russian Roulette, until he met her. ...