The following morning came and went with a foggy haze of snow in the streets and drunken memories in Ray's mind. By the time he woke around one in the afternoon, he was tangled in the sheets of the bed he slept in and was spread eagle, his arms tucked under the pillow where Danny was a few hours before.
Groaning, Ray remembered the only reason he was even awake now was because of the persistent knocking at the door.
"Ray get up, I know your drunk ass is in there."
Groaning louder now, Ray faced the pillow beneath his head and rolled his eyes, momentarily debating smothering himself. He didn't know who was at the door or why, but Ray never woke up in high spirits to begin with so being hungover and having the steady throb of a headache didn't help his mood.
Forcing his stiff limbs out of the bed, Ray stretched his arms above his head and yawned as he looked around. His clothes, which he just barely remembered coming out of last night, were neatly folded and placed over his bag which was in a chair by the corner. Danny's clothes and shoes were gone which meant she'd most likely been awake for a while and she was the one who had cleaned.
"Hold the fuck on!" Ray screamed, adjusting himself in his boxers before unlocking and swinging the door open, only to glare down at Rowan. "What?"
"I've been calling you for an hour now, are you seriously just now waking up?"
"I don't know Row, you tell me. What the hell does it look like?" Ray deadpanned, giving Rowan a look before he rolled his eyes and stepped away from the door. God his head was killing him. Not sparing his sister another glance, he fell back into a heap on the bed and curled into the blankets there, wrapping himself around one pillow and hugging it close as he buried his head under another, trying his best to block out any and all light.
Rowan, who had never been phased by Ray's moods, rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her as she jumped on the bed, laying down next to Ray who's figure was completely hidden beneath all the blankets.
"Have you seen Danny?" came Ray's muffled voice and Rowan popped the bubble she'd been blowing.
"Yeah she went out with Freddy and Vincent early this morning. Sammy's already got the necklace -turns out someone broke into her parents house just last night."
"Are her parents okay?" Ray asked, his concern evident which was just proof that he really had changed since being with Danny. He was definitely still Ray, but the old Ray wouldn't have given two shits. He just would have been focused on that fact that the necklace had been found already.
"Yeah. They weren't home at the time."
"I'm surprised you're not more upset hearing Sammy already has the necklace."
"Oh I'm pissed -ready to shoot someone even, but my brain can only express one emotion at a time right now."
"That fucked up huh?" Rowan chuckled softly and in response, a hand peeked it's way out of the cocoon Ray had built and promptly proceeded to flick Rowan off. She only laughed harder.
"Did um......did Danny mention anything that happened last night?"
"Nope. Just that you were drunk and we should all let you sleep it off."
"Then I'm telling. You're disturbing my sleep."
"Oh you're such a child!" Rowan drawled, whacking Ray on what she assumed was his side. Ray groaned and Rowan simply laughed, rolling over so that she was facing the mound of blankets called her little brother. "It's one in the afternoon, we've all let you sleep plenty. Besides, are you really gonna let me leave without saying bye?"

Beauty And Her Beast
RomanceHe never wanted to be good, until he met her. He liked the feeling of fighting, until he met her. He liked being feared by everyone, until he met her. His favorite game was Russian Roulette, until he met her. ...