Chapter 5- At Least I'm Not Losing My Mind. Yet.

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A/N- Late I know, not edited yet, please point out any grammar mistakes. Everything in italics is a dream... or is it?? (Yeah it is >-<)  :) xx


Darcy's POV

To say I was terrified may have been an understatement at that. I was out of my mind scared. Of this woman. What she was going to do. And whether I could cope with it.

We pulled up outside the house and Irene told me to go into the house first, with her and Tim following behind me threateningly. When I got to the door and put my hand on the door knob, I turned around briefly to find that they'd gone. I knew better now to not bother running.

Instead, I turned the door knob and stepped into the house tentatively at what would await me inside. The lights were turned off, all except a small lamp right in the corner of the hallway at the far end.

I looked around as best as I could and shut the door behind me with a soft click, my eyes flitted all over the hallway and I kept myself prepared. I clenched my fists, making sure to keep my thumb on the outside, just in case.

Something was going to happen, something bad, something I was thoroughly petrified of facing. Cautiously, I took a step forward, my heels clicking on the floor. Wanting the upper hand, I slipped one shoe off after the other because then I could move around silently.

I dropped the shoes by the door and decided to shrug my jacket off as well, just so I could move easier. My ears pricked up when I heard a creak from somewhere upstairs and straightened up slowly before creeping towards the bottom of the stairs, keeping behind the bottom banister.

My breathing slowed and I tried to calm my erratic beating heart, but I couldn't stop my palms becoming clammy and the beads of sweat rolling off my forehead. More creaks from upstairs echoed throughout the silent house, I gripped onto the banister I was stood behind in terror.

I could feel something behind me, suddenly, and my hand flew up behind my shoulder. I grabbed onto the wrist of the hand that was behind me and twisted it around as much as I could to cause pain to whoever it was attacking me.

It turned out to be someone much stronger than I and they wrenched my hand off of their arm, pushing me face first into the wall opposite with such force I feared for the bones in my neck. I swear I also heard something in my lower back crack loudly as he pushed me further into the wall.

With my face squashed against the wallpaper, that I liked a couple of days ago but now wasn't too keen on after being this close to it, I could hardly speak but managed to utter, "Unarmed."

That one word was all I needed.

All I needed for him to release his grip ever so slightly, out of shock at how I knew, and I had my opening. Going for the oldest trick in the book, I flicked my leg up and backwards to donkey kick him where it hurt the most.

I span around as he doubled over in pain and my fists came into fighting position, ready for me to take a swing when the opportunity arose. He looked up briefly and I saw this as my moment, I swung back so quickly and threw my fist forward  that he didn't have much time to react.

My fist collided with his firm, muscled cheek and he stumbled back with a hand raised at where I'd hit him. He shook his head and straightened up, cracking his neck.

Strengths- Big Build. Weighty. Much, Much Heavier Than Me. Strong. Knows How To Fight.

Weaknesses- Not Very Light On His Feet. Slower Than Me.

That's all I needed.

I quirked a smile and darted to the left as he charged at me, keeping defensive as he ran into the wall and turned to glare angrily at me. "Come 'ere." He growled and took another lunge at me, he grabbed me around the waist and tried to lift me of all the things.

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