Chapter 43- Hansel And Gretel Don't Die In The Fairytale.

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A/N- Ta-da! I finished it, finally! Please don't hate me XD

This hasn't been edited yet, do enjoy ;)


Darcy's POV

Scott's phone call played on my mind. Why now? Obviously his life had gotten all that bit easier and now he wanted to throw out the olive branch. Unfortunately for him I wasn't necessarily always going to be at the end of a phone waiting on his every beck and call. 

I had a life too. 

One that currently had me traipsing back to Scotland Yard. Honestly, we spent so much time here it was starting become a home from home and I didn't like it. Lestrade was waiting for us when we arrived and met us at the door to the main offices. 

I marched in line next to John but behind Sherlock and Lestrade. The latter barely gave us time to breath before throwing a piece of paper in our faces. "This fax arrived an hour ago." Lestrade announced and held the paper out to Sherlock. 

"You still use fax machines here?" I commented and looked around at the officers rushing about the offices. "This place just became all the more tragic." 

Lestrade tutted as Sherlock handed the piece of paper over his shoulder to John. As he read the note on it I leant over to read it all it said in unruly handwriting was-

Hurry up

My eyes widened at the bluntness of it and also the idea that a kidnapper would send a note ushering us along to find the children. I barely had time to process it though as John moved the paper away and Lestrade walked us into one of the main offices. The hub of the team trying to find Max and Claudette. 

Although they didn't look like they had gotten very far.

"What have you got for us?" Lestrade asked as we passed by the officers who were busy working. 

"Need to find a place in the city where all five of these things intersect." Sherlock answered and handed Lestrade a different piece of paper. 

I assumed it had a list containing all of the information that Sherlock had found in the oil from the kidnapper's shoe print as Lestrade read aloud, "Chalk, asphalt, brick dust, vegetation ... What the hell is this? Chocolate?" 

We stopped walking as we reached a desk and Sherlock clarified, "I think we're looking for a disused sweet factory." 

"That'd make sense." I mumbled and stood at one end of the desk with my hands in the pockets of my coat. 

Lestrade glanced up from the paper and over at me. "We need to narrow it down though. A sweet factory with asphalt?" He countered and I just shrugged in reply. 

"No." Sherlock stated and then started talking as though to himself, "No-no-no. Too general. Need something more specific. Chalk; chalky clay- that's a far thinner band of geology." 

He started moving his head back and forth as though he were looking at something that wasn't there. John looked about as confused as I did but I just shook my head and commented, "Don't look at me, geology is not my area." 

"Brick dust?" Lestrade suggested and I took a hand from my pocket to point at him, the universal sign of acknowledgement. 

Sherlock seemed to have heard the Detective but refused to acknowledge him as I did. "Building site. Bricks from the nineteen-fifties." 

"I hate to put a  dampener on this whole thing but there are literally thousands of building sites in London." I commented and put my hand back into the pocket of my coat again. 

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