Chapter 33- Oh, It's Him Again.

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A/N- Sorry for the super long wait, had a busy week... had my driving test (that I passed, wahey) and had the dentist (not so fun) XD


Darcy's POV

We met up with Doctor Stapleton and John as we left the lab, Sherlock was quick to tell her what he wanted and she soon led us to the large control room. Having free reign of the entire facility really had its plus points.

And Doctor Stapleton seemed more than willing to help us. Probably because we were holding Bluebell over her as a threat. We approached the control room and Stapleton swiped her card.

We were granted access and the door opened, Sherlock gestured to the door, "John."

"Yeah, I'm on it." John answered and turned back to face the door. Perhaps we weren't given full access then.

Sherlock and I stood behind Doctor Stapleton as she sat behind the computer on the desk. "Project HOUND." Sherlock told her. "Must have read about it and stored it away. An experiment in a CIA facility in Liberty, Indiana."

We both watched as Stapleton typed in her User ID on the computer and followed up with her password. A search bar came up and she looked over her shoulder at Sherlock expectantly.

I leant forward and answered instead, "H,O,U,N,D."

She rolled her eyes and typed in what I told her then pressed enter. I tapped my fingers on the back of her chair as we waited for the search to load and I leant forward as it finished.

CIA Classified

"Damn." I muttered and hit the back of Stapleton's chair as the computer requested an authorisation code.

She flinched but then turned to Sherlock and explained, "That's as far as my access goes, I'm afraid."

"Well, there must be an override, a password." John chipped in from by the door.

I nodded and started to look around the room. "Yeah there has to be."

"I'd imagine there is, but that'd be Major Barrymore's." Stapleton agreed with us and I continued to look around the room desperately for any kind of clue.

Sherlock turned and joined me in looking around the room. "Password, password, password." He muttered to himself as he went further into the room and towards an office at the back. I followed him as he turned the light on in there and an old style room was what greeted us.

"Barrymore's office." I mumbled as I stood behind Sherlock in the doorway.

He glanced down at me and went to sit down at Barrymore's desk. "He sat here when he thought it up." Sherlock span in the chair, in a full circle, to get a view of the room.

Stapleton came up to stand beside me in the doorway. "Describe him to me." Sherlock stated and I raised my eyebrows at her.

She looked between us and shrugged. "You've both seen him."

I huffed and shook my head, "Yes, but describe him." By doing this we could get an idea of what kind of person Major Barrymore was so we could try to figure out what sort of things he might use for his password.

Stapleton sighed and answered, "Er, he's a bloody martinet, a throw-back, the sort of man they'd have sent into Suez."

Martinet. Throw-back. Suez.

I stored away the intel and continued to look at the shelves of books to the right of the desk. "Old-fashioned. Traditionalist. Definitely not the sort of man who would use his children's names as a password." I said as I spotted the drawings on the board above the desk.

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