Chapter 27- Flirting Gets You Nowhere.

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A/N- This didn't take very long to write at all, don't know whether that's a good or a bad thing XD

Not fully edited...


Darcy's POV

Devon. A serene quiet place. Once you got there that is. After a mad dash through Paddington Station followed by an extremely long and arduous train journey I was so happy to be out of the city.

I never thought that I would ever think that, I loved London. I lived London. I breathed it. I'd left something behind in London, someone. That certain someone hadn't text me again either. Scott had been eerily silent and that, as I'd come to learn, was never a good sign.

"This is so surreal." I commented and frowned into the rear view mirror of the jeep we were travelling in through the rolling hills of Dartmoor. "I didn't even know you could drive."

Sherlock glared at me through the mirror and John merely chuckled to himself. Yes, Sherlock was driving. Did I feel entirely safe? No, no I did not.

"Of course I know how to drive." Sherlock grumbled. "Mind palace, remember? I keep all sorts of stuff tucked away in there."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, next thing you'll be telling us you know how to diffuse a bomb."

Sherlock hummed knowingly and went back to concentrating on driving. It was silent in the vehicle which both delighted me and annoyed me, since Sherlock wasn't spewing hurtful or unnecessary comments and yet still there was no one to talk to.

I contemplated picking up the phone to call Scott or Molly, hell even Sebastian Moran if it meant I had something to do. My leg set off anxiously bouncing for want of a way to distract myself.

Rather abruptly the car stopped and I jerked forward a little as Sherlock pulled into a layby on a very small country road. "This doesn't look like a village." I commented and looked out the window, wondering if there was something they could see but I couldn't.

"Nope." Sherlock stated and forcefully opened his car door. Immediately after getting out he took his scarf from his pocket and flicked his coat collar up. I sat in my seat and still looked confused as John got out of the car as well.

Sherlock tapped on the window. "Come on. A bit of country air will do you good."

With a heavy sigh, I unclipped my seat belt and shuffled my way out of the car. The wind was blowing extraordinary amounts, I supposed this was the country air; very windy and very cold. I put my hands in the pockets of my trench coat and marched after them both.

John was holding a map and striding off in all sorts of directions, Sherlock however walked with a purpose as if he knew already exactly where we were going. I, on the other hand, trudged behind them trying not to get my canvas shoes too wet or muddy.

I still hadn't gotten round to buying some more combat boots and if I was to be involved in cases with Sherlock again I'd need some. "Please slow down, guys!" I called after them as we were now all the way into the countryside and seemed too far away from society.

Ahead of us was a large rocky area that was covered in grass and immediately Sherlock took to climbing up it like a goat. I smiled, excited, and clambered up after him, soon we were both stood atop a very large stone outcrop. John, however, was being a bit of a grump and stayed on the ground.

From where we were stood we could see everything. A large mix of industrial looking buildings and behind us a cluster of cottages, residential buildings. But the majority of everything around us was barren grass and in some areas woodland.

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