Chapter 6

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"Let's go Cougars!" I cheered on the team with Amanda, we were ahead by six.

"Look at Klay! He's on fire!" Klay was on a roll with shooting 3's, giving us a bigger lead each time.

"Yea Klay!" I cheered, practically jumping up and down every time he made it in.

After the game, I was able to find him with his buddies. But when he saw me, he quickly came over, a huge smile on his face, "Hey baby, I say we celebrate?" He leans down, softly kissing my lips.

"Oh yea? If it involves food, I'm in," We walk outside hand in hand.

"Hmm, well sorta," His grip on my hand tightens, "We could go out for pizza, or come back to my place and eat there,"

"Your place sounds good, I am kind of tired." We get into the car, driving away.

"So Elena, can I talk to you about something serious?" He wasn't looking at me, and his hands were shaking a little.

"Anything," I reply looking at him.

"So I have a friend," He starts, "And he and his girlfriend have been dating for about let's say, three years."

"Ok?" I have my guard up.

"Yea, so anyway, he proposed to her a couple weeks ago, and she said no. He was so heart broken, and he thought she loved him," His voice was a little shaky, "If you were in her situation, what would you have said? Just wondering by the way."

"Well, if that was me, it depends. Let's say it was you and I," Right as I said that, he tenses up, "Anyway..., say it was you and I, to be honest, I wouldn't really know what to say. Yea we've been dating for about almost four years, and that's a good amount, but I don't know. Then again, their love could have been different from ours, so I could say yes."

It takes him a minute to wrap up on what I just said, "Wow ok, so anyway you excited to be home for break?"

"Yes," I tell him as we head back to his dorm, "It miss everyone, including Luke."

He lightly laughs, opening the door, "Welcome back,"

"So like is your roommate never here or something?" Laughing, I sit down on his bed.

"I don't know to be honest, he goes out a lot." I see him in the kitchen, pulling out a pizza.

Suddenly the door opens, and a tall guy walks in. "Yo what's up Jordan," Klay walks over to him, giving him that guy hand shake. "Oh hey man, this is my girlfriend Elena, Elena, this is my roommate Jordan."

I don't know why, but Jordan gave me a weird vibe, but I kindly shook his hand. He was pale, and had a light beard coming in, and his hair was shaggy brown. He also had dark deep brown eyes, and a small nose.

"Yea man, that game was ours," Jordan spoke, so I'm guessing he was on the team with Klay. Now I felt awkward, just sitting there while the two of them chatted.
I decided to stand up, heading into the kitchen with Klay since I was hungry. I softly pushed passed him, grabbing a slice of pizza and sitting at the table. I noticed once in awhile Jordan glancing my way every time Klay talked, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat. I wonder what he was thinking about.

Jordan POV

Elena, I must say she definitely has a hot body. Like god dam, I would totally do her. Sucks she's with Klay, they do seem happy together. We all sit down at the table, Klay casually putting his arm around her as we talk. Man how did he get a girl like that? Maybe if I get close to her, and gain her trust, then maybe I can show her I'm a better guy then Klay. Yea, I'll do that, I'll make her my girl, no one can resist me.

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