Chapter 16

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Klay POV

I really had no idea why Steph was bringing me out to get drinks, but who can say no to a free beer.
"So how's Elena," He folds his hands and looks me dead in the eye.

"Fine...," I feel like something is up, "How's Ayesha?.."

"Good good," He looks away, then back at me, "So Riley, she's definitely a handful. But that's why I'm not alone, it definitely takes two to raise a kid."

"Yea..." Was there something he was trying to hint at? Or is he just bragging about his daughter. "So um, practice was fun yesterday right? I mean you're a really good shooter, maybe you can give me a few pointers-"

"If Elena was pregnant what would you do?" He cuts me off, and catches me way off guard.

"Wait...what?!" Basketball totally vanishes from my mind, while a pregnant Elena pops up in my head, "She's pregnant?!" I say a little to loudly.

"What?! No, no! No she's not," He stutters like a two year old telling a lie, "I'm saying what if she was."

"Then I would be happy," I eye him like a hawk, not understanding why he even brought her up, especially like this, "Steph what's up? Is she pregnant?"

"No dude she's not," Again I feel like he's lying, mainly because I know when he bounces his leg and avoids eye contact. Thanks to Ayesha for that side note.

"Ok.." I let it slip, I mean even if she was, there's nothing wrong with that. Wait...If she was pregnant my whole life will change. I'll have to provide not only for Elena but the baby as well. Man imagine me as a dad, I don't even think I would make a good one yet, so I hope we can wait when we do think about it.

"Anyway um, let's go. There probably waiting for us," We leave and head to my house, Stephs phone kept blowing up every so often. I text Elena to let her know I'm on my way, but she never responds, she's probably with Ayesha. We reach my house and I see Ayesha's car in our driveway, so I'm guessing she is here.

"Now before we go in," Steph stands by the door like there's some wild animal inside, "Remember that we are all here for you, and that I love you. Wait no, like the brother way, not like the gay way....just go in." He stutters letting me go through, I nearly have a heart attack though when I do.

I'm grabbed harshly by Ayesha as she drags me to the living room where I see Elena sitting there with a huge white board.
"Sit," She orders, which I do because of how hard her grip was on my hand. I look over at Elena for help, and wondering what the fuck is going on. She only shrugs like she doesn't know anything, but I can see a smile creeping up on her lips.

"So Klay, we are going to play charades. It's us two against them," Elena tells me, pointing towards Steph and Ayesha, "Ok I'll go first." She stands up and grabs the market, she seems a little nervous which is weird. What, she afraid of loosing or something?

She begins to draw a weird looking cart thing, "Um shopping cart?" I ask.

"No," She continues, drawing a person pushing it.

"A stroller?"

"Yes!" She squeals while Ayesha heads up and starts drawing this weird looking fairy thing.

"A baby!" Steph yells, me sitting there like how in the hell is that a baby?!

"Yes," What the fuck?!

"What this like a baby theme or something for Riley?" I ask, since obviously the theme was babies.

They all go silent, Elena mostly who looks pale. "Um Klay, there's something I would like to say." She stands up like she's about to make an announcement, "Bur before I do, this is for you." She hands me a box with baby blue wrapping paper all over it.

It's so creepy having them watch my every move as I open the box.
"Daddy's #1 fan?'re pregnant?!" I stand up to quickly, feeling bad because I scare them a little.

"Shit that scared me," I hear Ayesha whisper to Steph, who just nods.

"Yes Klay, I am." She half smiles, "I hope you aren't mad."

"What?! Why would I be mad?! I'm so happy, I can't wait to be a dad!" I pull her in for a tight hug, never wanting to let go.

Elena POV

I'm so happy Klay wasn't mad or sad, or anything that isn't happy or excited. We all go Into a group hug, along with Riley who had that WTF is going on face.

"Thank you guys for helping me do this, I don't know how else I would have." I hug Ayesha while Klay hugs Steph.

"Man I'm going to be a dad," Klay couldn't stop smiling, and I was happy that he was happy about it. "Man Steph, you almost slipped too, but you covered up well." He laughs patting his back.

"I know right, man that was hard. Glad we got It over with, who knows how much longer I could have gone." I hug them goodbye as they head home, Klay grabbing me and placing kisses all over my face.

"We're going to be parents!" He shouted so loud that our neighbors probably heard.

"Yes we are!" I scream with him, while Rocco joins in barking and jumping around.

"Oh my god, we have to baby proof the house then, we need a crib, stroller, diapers, I-"

"Klay!," I pull him close, "Calm down, I'm having a baby shower that Ayesha is helping me with, that'll be a start for us until we figure out what else we need." I tell him, not liking the fact he was kind of stressing me out.

"Ok, ok, sorry I'm new at this. Wait, we gotta tell our parents, do they know?"

FUCK! OMG ELENA HOW COULD YOU FORGET?! "Dam it, fuck! Yes we should go before I get any bigger," Shit how did I not know? Man all this surprising Klay has got me all distracted. God I just don't know how there reaction is going to be, especially papi. Ughhhh lord please help me, I can't this stress anymore.

"Ok, here goes nothing."



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