Chapter 4

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I was in their bathroom, freaking out since it was almost midnight. I don't know what Klay wants, but whatever it is, I know it's going to be more than just a little chat. My arms were full of goosebumps, my pajamas not really helping.

"Ok Elena, you can do this," I tell myself, walking slowly down the hall to his room, praying maybe he fell asleep. I softly knock on his door, then it quickly opens, and I come face to face with him.

"Come in," He smirks, closing the door behind me.

"So what do you want, i'm tired." Real reason was because I was super nervous.

He sits on his bed, since he wan't towering over me, "Just wanted to talk in private, since we won't be able to when everyone is up."

"Ok, what about?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Well," He seemed a little nervous, which surprised me, since i'm used to him being so confident, "Ok i'm just going to say it. Look Elena, I know we haven't really got to do an official second date an all, and like, we haven't really been super close. But, I was wondering of maybe," He doesn't finish, he seems to be scared.

"Klay? You alright?," I stand in front of him, a little worried."

"I don't know Elena, your just..your just so beautiful."

"Excuse me?" I was shocked and confused. Mostly because it seemed his confidence was back.

"You are Elena, your're the prettiest girl I have ever met."

Now I was the one with the shudders, "What? i'm not." I honestly didn't believe him, mainly because a guy never called me beautiful.

He laughs, "Yes you are, and..and I really like you. Like not the friend way, like the I want to be with you."

"My heart is pounding like crazy, my throat dry, "Wh-what? Klay I-" But I'm cut off by him slowly leaning in close to my face, our lips, brushing.

"Say stop if you want me to," His lips whisper over mine. But I don't say anything, instead i'm the one to lean forward, our lips connecting like a puzzle piece. It's almost like they are meant to be, moving in sync as his arm snakes around my waist. I roughly throw my arm around his neck, him pulling me onto the bed with him. Klay towers over me a we continue to harshly kiss, I feel his hands roam my bare stomach. I've never been touched like this by a guy before. To be able to experience it, I don't want it to stop. But i'm able to peek over at his clock, seeing it read 4:30am, time definitely went by fast.

"Klay," I manage to speak, his lips not leaving mine, "We should get some sleep." I hate having to end it, but I know everyone is going to be up soon, and I didn't to risk getting caught. Not now of course.

"Your're right, but don't think just because we are stopping now, that I won't be back for more." He smirks, kissing my lips one more time, as I stand up.

"See you later I guess," I stand by his door, my heart still racing like crazy.

"Yea," He bites his lip, making me want to pull him in again for a kiss, "See you later," He leans down and pecks my cheek, which I'm glad he did.

When I get back to my room, I couldn't go to sleep at all. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? And to think all I thought he wanted was to talk. I had a smile on my face for the whole night, not knowing what was going to happen later on.


When everyone started to wake up, I walked out of my room, pretending like I just woke up too. Then accidently bumping into Klay, noticing we were both heading to the bathroom.
"Ladies first," He gestures, smirking.

"Oh in that case, you should go first." I tease.

"Pff, fine I will." He jokes, going inside.

I head down stairs to see Julie making breakfast, Luke was up, and so was Trayce. "No Mykee?" I asked, sitting down.

"Still asleep like always," She laughs, handing me a plate.

Klay finally comes down, grinning when he sees me. "Morning everyone," He greets, sitting down.

"Well someone's happy," Trayce teased, praying Klay doesn't say anything.

"Maybe, just slept very good." He bites into his waffles, casually looking at me.

"So what are you guys doing today?" Julie casually asked, drinking her coffee.

"Elena and I are going to see a movie," Klay told her, taking a sip of juice.

"We are?" I asked, since I had not idea we even were.

"Yea, we are," He smirked, winking.

"Oh that's nice, what movie?" Julie smiled.

"I don't know, some chessy movie." Klay didn't keep his eyes off mine, as he answered his mom.

"Well Mykee, Luke and I are going to the mall, Mykee needs some new shoes." Tracyce told her, as he put his dish in the sink.

"Unless he wakes up soon, or your plans might be canceled buddy," She jokes, making us laugh.

I guess now I was seeing a movie with Klay, and since he finally got his drivers license, we didn't have to rely on Mykee anymore.
"So are we really seeing a movie?" I asked, as he began to drive.

"Nah," He laughed, looking through his mirrors, "I lied."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Yea I figured, so then what are we doing?"

"Well I was thinking maybe we have a little adventure, just the two of us."

"Sounds fun, so where to?"

"It's a suprise," He looks over at me.

We drive in silence, but it was the good kind of silence. Klay ends up stopping near a little woods like area, pulling out a picnic basket from the backseat.

"Wow, I did not see that," I laugh, as we walk hand in hand to a cute little bench area, Klay putting the basket down.

"Wow, beautiful," I explore the beautiful nature that surrounds us, taking a deep breath.

"Yea, you are," I hear Klay whisper from behind me, grabbing my hand, spinning me so I was now facing him.

"What?" I couldn't help but blush, Klay looking deep into my eyes.

"You truly are beautiful Elena, and I don't know what you have done to me, but you have always seem to make me fell weak inside every time I see you. Elena, will you be my girl?" He speaks so quickly, almost making me forget everything he just said.

If I said yes, he will be my very first boyfriend ever. "Y-yes, Klay, I would love to be your girlfriend." I stutter to get my words out, but I'm glad I said yes.

"Good, because I really miss those lips of yours." He leans in close, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me into him. Our lips, the same feeling coming through me from the other nighht. I feel him softly nibble my bottom lip, giving me one last passionate kiss before leaning his forehead against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, this time I'm the one to lean in, wanting his lips to be on my forever. If only it could last forever.

And that was the beginning to our crazy relationship.


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