Chapter 13

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"Let's go Warriors!" Ayesha and I cheered on with the crowd, watching our guys score. Klay was doing really good, scoring a few 3's, giving a few assists to Steph. Of course since Riley was due in a few months, it wasn't unusual to find Ayesha snacking on a few weird foods.

"Really girl? You brought a whole bag of cheddar cheese popcorn?" I laugh, knowing it's just one of her weird cravings.

"Girl I'm pregnant, don't judge," She gives me a look, "And I ain't sharing."

"You guys want something? I'm heading down to the snack bar before half time," Luke was also with us since he had a day off work.

"Yea please, a water would be nice,"

"And some licorice!" Ayesha cut in, "And maybe a hot dog? What it's a craving." She defends herself, noticing the looks we were giving her.

"Got it sis," He laughs heading down.

It was finally half time and the score was 33-30, we were down by 3. Ayesha and I headed down to give our guys a little pep talk so they could gain back their momentum.

"I don't know Elena, I'm just a rookie," He was leaning against a wall, covering his face.

"So?," I grab his hands and wrap them around me, "Yea you're a rookie, but so what. Klay, they wouldn't have drafted you if you weren't good, just think about all the other guys wanting the spot you're in."

"I know," He mumbles, not looking at me.

"So play like you are showing them that they made the right choice by drafting you. Plus the haters who told you that you couldn't do it. Do it for me Klay," I softly grab his face and bring it close to mine, "Do it for me daddy," I growl the last part, kissing his jawline.

"Ugh baby," He moans kissing my lips. Half time is soon over, and dam my little pep talk definitely helped. Warriors one by six, and I can see that Klay looked way happier than before.

After Klay was done with an interview, he finds me in the crowd and goes in for a long sweet kiss, "We should do this before every game," He smirks, "Let's go home and celebrate."

"Celebrate what?" I laugh, as he practically drags me to the car.

"Us, getting married soon, being a family." He starts the car and drives off.

"Speaking of family, when is our little furry friend comimg?"

"Tomorrow actually, I'm going to have Mykee pick him up, but you can go since I have practice."

"Yay, can't wait." I really love dogs, and having this little addiction to our family, maybe it can prepare us for the future incase we have kids of our own.

"Yea, hey Elena can I ask you something?"


"I mean it's something we probably won't have now," His voice was shaky "But do you want kids?"

I couldn't help but smile, "Yes I do, do you?"

"Yea," He happily sighs, "A boy named Elijah Alexander Thompson."

"Elijah?" I smile at the name, "Why that name? I mean I love it, but is there a reason you picked it?"

"Well because it's starts with an E like yours, then a girl named Kaylee, because K for Klay. Kaylee Grace Thompson, yea I like that."

"Aww Klay, I'm going to cry now." That's so sweet he was actually thinking about names for our kids.
I do see us having a little Elijah running around the house, or a little daddy's girl. When we get home, we decided to pop in a funny movie, getting some popcorn and candy out. I sit on Klay's lap, wearing my fuzzy pajamas with the shorts and tank top.

"I think we were actually meant to be together," I hear Klay mumble against my neck.

"Hm, what's that?"

"Us, God making us neighbors. I mean how else would we have met? So obviously I'm meant to be yours and you're meant to be mine."

"I agree Klay," I smile, turing around so I was facing him, "Man you were such a flirt in high school, thinking you can have me so easily."

"But you fell for me so," He smirks, pecking my lips.

"Ugh I know, you and your stupid good looks and personality," I tease kissing him, as he smiles against it, "And I was also thinking, because I was talking to Ayesha and your mom, about having the honeymoon in the Bahamas."

His eyes lit up, "Bahamas? Yea I would love that."

"And I was also thinking about the wedding date, like around the spring almost summer, say March 7, 2013?"

"That's perfect baby," He kisses me one more, "Do you have a maid of honor?"

"Well it was hard choosing between Ayesha, my cousin, and my sister in law Laura. But I came to a decision making it Ayesha, since we are closer."

"Awesome baby, and Mykee will be my best man. Also," He shyly says, "I was thinking too about maybe starting that family?"

"With Rocco?" I ask, looking him in his deep brown eyes.

"Not exactly," He again had a shaky tone, "I'm not trying to put pressure on you, and I love you no matter your answer and reason but,"

"You want to have a kid soon?" It's like I can read his mine.

His eyes widen, I'm guessing that's exactly what he was about to say, "Y-yes, I mean like I said no pressure. Waiting is totally fine, but you know,"

I laugh, "No I get it, and I was actually thinking it over, talking to Ayesha and my cousin Valerie about it."


"Well, I mean it's something we both have to decide on Klay, do you want to have a family now?"

"Yes," He doesn't even hesitate, which surprised me by a lot. "But like I said, it's not me who can say, it's you."

"I do Klay, I really love kids, and I think have a little addiction to the family can make us stronger."

"Yes Elena," He passionately kisses me, "So, should we get started?"

"Klay!" I laugh seeing the lust in his eyes, "My god we can wait till our honeymoon ok?"

"Alright baby, but making me wait just means your chances of being able to walk in the morning are pretty low."

"Oh my god," I laugh to hide away my embarrassment, "You're to much Klay, I swear."

"Yea, but you love me anyway."

"Eh, I could have done better," I tease, seeing his smirk drop.

"Oh really? Maybe you need to be shown how lucky you are."

And with that, we are off to the bedroom.


So they want a baby!! Only question now,
Should it be a boy or girl???

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