Chapter 15

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"Would you rather, get stung by 100 bees, or eat a scorpion?" We all gathered around at the Curry's house, enjoying a little barbecue.

"Easy," Ayesha stated, answering Stephs question, "A scorpion, because you never said we couldn't cook and season it."

"Ahh touché," Steph high fived his wife, as it was now my turn to ask a question for Klay.

"Ok Klay," I began, ignoring the sudden pain in my stomach, "Would you rather be blind, or deaf?"

He smirked, giving me a sudden flirtatious look, "Deaf, so I can wake up to see that beautiful face of yours every morning."

"Awwww!" Ayesha squealed, as Klay leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Allright enough of this, it's time to eat!" Steph stood up and walked over to the barbecue area, taking off corn and ribs, and placing them on a table.

"Looks good as always," Klay licked his lips as we all dug in, Ayesha bringing out baby Riley.

"Wow, I can't believe she's going to be two months soon, she is getting so big!" Ayesha handed me her, as she cooed in my arms. Again, the pain in my stomach came up, but maybe it was nothing right? I know my period is coming soon so maybe it's that. I know for sure it ain't the food, since Ayesha is the best cook.

I handed Riley back, standing up, "I need to use the restroom, excuse me." I walked away quickly, feeling the food rising to my throat as my mind was telling me I have to puke. Luckily I made it to their restroom quick enough, knowing how embarrassing that would have been if I missed.

"Elena?" Yesh softly knocked on the door, "I know you're throwing up, open up."

I washed my mouth out as I let her in, but that didn't stop me from throwing up again. "I'm really sorry Yesh," I mumbled, before another round of throwing up.

"Don't be, it's not your fault," She patted my back and pulled my hair back, "Was it something you ate?"

"No," I shake my head, washing my mouth out again.

"Period cramps? I know sometimes I get dizzy."

"No, but I might be late. Today is the 10th right?"

"Yea?," She gave me a questionable look like I had two heads.

Then it hit me, "I'm late, I should have started. Yesh, I think I'm-"

"Pregnant!" All of a sudden she burst out, jumping for joy. " I knew it! I knew it!"

"Ayesha I can't be! We're not even married yet and I'm only twenty-two. What if Klay doesn't want it now?! Oh my god, what if he leaves me because he's not ready?!," My anxiety was high and I started to have a panic attack.

"Elena calm down," She patted my back, "I won't tell Klay or Steph until you do. And if Klay does leave you because of this, he's blind and very stupid. He won't leave you because he loves you to much, and I can guarantee that he will be more than happy to have this baby with you."

I sigh, "Thank you, and I think I will tell him tonight. But what if I'm not? It could be a reaction to something my stomach didn't agree too."

She thinks for a second before searching for something thorough her covers, "You're lucky I kept these for when I found out about Riley," She handed me a familiar pregnancy test stick, "Use it, and we'll check it in ten minutes. I'll tell the guys you just had a headache."

"Ok, thank you so much, really, thank you."

"Anytime, I'm always here for you." She smiled before leaving.

I opened up the box and did my business on the stick, then setting it on the counter as I nervously made my way back.

"How's that headache?" Klay was the first to ask, as I look at a smirking Ayesha who had my back.

"Better," I lie, sitting next to him. My phone goes off and I see it was Ayesha.

Ayesha is Bae- U pee on the stick?

Me- Lol yes queen.

Ayesha is Bae- Bow down, ok we'll check it after I have the boys go to play some hoop.

I nod as she nods back, seeing she was right as Steph and Klay stood up to shoot some hoops in the back.

My hands are shaking as Ayesha holds the stick in her hand before looking down.


"Oh my god, I'm going to be a mother!" I was feeling so much emotions as Ayesha would not stop freaking out. "I can't do this Yesh, I can't be a mother. What if I'm not good, or-"

"Stop Elena," She snaps, "It will take the both of you in order to raise this baby, and I know you guys can do it. Trust me, Steph and I are young too, but when we planned Riley, we had to ask, are we ready? Do we have the time in our lives to feed and nourish a baby? Steph was ready, I was ready, and I know you and Klay are too. Besides, it's not like you guys are alone, you have us, your parents and his, and wonderful friends and relatives."

"Thank you Yesh, that means a lot. But how do I tell him? Just be like, so Klay you want some eggs, oh by the way I'm pregnant."

She snorts, "If you want to be basic, otherwise you have to surprise him. Here's what we'll do, I'll tell Steph, but he won't tell Klay. Then I'll have him take Klay out to get a drink or something, then I'll come over and help you get the surprise party ready. Sound good?"

"Yes, thank you."

She smiles, pulling out her phone. "Ok I'm going to tell him, let's just hope he can keep his mouth shut."

Now it was a waiting game as her phone began to blow up.

Babe- Tell her Congratulations!!! Oh my god Klay is going to be a dad!!

"Ok, now let's play it cool as we walk out. Just go home with Klay as usual, then tomorrow we will do the whole surprise thing since they guys will have practice. But still we will have Steph stall so we have time. Sound good?"

"Perfect, " I take a few deep breaths as I walk out, my eyes meeting with Stephs as he smirks and wiggles his eyebrows. Ayesha secretly smacks him but plays it off with a kiss when Klay notices.

"Ready?" He asked, holding the ball and shooting it one more time.

"Yea let's go, bye guys, thanks for everything. And I mean everything." I looked over at Ayesha who gave a thumbs up.

To me, the drive home couldn't be any more awkward knowing I was pregnant. Since Klay didn't know, he just drove normally, once in awhile placing his hand on my thigh or kissing my hand.

I know telling Klay doesn't seem all that bad, but what about his reaction? What if he all of a sudden doesn't want a kid right now do he leaves me. Knowing it's a lot of work and time, so he leaves to live the single, carefree life. Maybe I'm over reacting, ugh, stupid hormones.


Baby #1 is coming!!! Now I have a question for all of my lovely readers, BOY OR GIRL?!?! You decide and then we'll see what happens next.

Also any ideas on how Elena should tell Klay? Balloons? A cake? Ideas plzzz I need some so I ain't basic lol.

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