Glenn and I's reunion got cut short by Daryl, "Ain't no way out back here." I listened in while I tried to examine Glenn's wounds, "Rick, how did you find us?" Maggie ask, "How bad are you hurt?" Rick asked Glenn, "I'll be all right."
I shook my head, "Where's that woman?" Maggie ask, looking around the room, "She stayed outside." I said, grabbing hold of Glenn's hand to hold it, "Maybe she was spotted. Want me to go look for her?" Daryl ask as Rick looked outside the window, "No. We gotta get them out of here. She's on her own" Rick said, looking back at Glenn and Maggie, "Daryl, Jade. This was Merle." Glenn said as I draped an old jacket around Glenn's shoulders. I froze in my spot, looking back to Daryl, "He thinks your dead, Jade." Glenn looked at me, then back to Daryl, "He did this." Glenn managed to say, "You saw him?" Rick ask, "Face to face." Glenn responded, "Threw a walker at me. He was gonna execute us." Glenn explained,"S-So my brother's this governor?" Daryl ask, "No, it's somebody else. Your brother's his lieutenant or something." Maggie explained to Daryl and I, "Does he know I'm still with you?" he ask, "He does now. Rick, I'm sorry. We told him where the prison was. We couldn't hold out." Glenn told Rick. I was dumbfounded by all this. My brother was still alive, "Don't. No need to apologize." Rick put his hand on Glenn's shoulder, "They're going to be looking for us." Maggie said, "We have to get back. Can you walk? We got a car a few miles out." Rick knelled down to Glenn, "I'm good." Glenn grunted, standing up with a little help, "All right." Rick whispered, "Hey, if Merle's around, Jade and I need to see him." Daryl said as I stood by him, "Not now. We're in hostile territory." Rick tried to reason. This upset me, "He's my brother. I ain't-" Rick cut me off, "Look at what he did to Glenn, Jade! Look, we gotta--we gotta get out of here now." Rick said, "Maybe I can talk to him. Maybe I can work something out. " I pleaded with him, "No, no, no. You're not thinking straight. Look, no matter what they say, they're hurt. Glenn can barely walk. How are we gonna make it out if we got overrun by walkers and this governor catches up to us? I need you two! Are you with me?" Rick ask. I sighed and looked back at Daryl, then nodded my head in answer.On three. Stay tight." Rick ordered, "One, two, three."Daryl swung the door open and threw multiple smoke bombs, "Let's go!" Rick whispered, all of us filing out. I stayed behind Glenn. I heard gunfire and knew they spotted us. I shot down a man running up behind us. I ran up close, loosing Glenn in the smoke. I spotted Daryl from afar and ran up to him, fighting by his side. I shot one of the men on top of the buses, then turned around to see more men coming from behind, "Watch the front, I'll cover the back!" I shouted to Daryl over the gun fire. I shot once with my rifle and missed, then another shot came from behind me and the man fell to the ground. I knew it was Daryl. I sighed and pushed my bangs from my face and kept shooting, "Go! Get cover!" I heard someone shout. I felt Daryl loop his finger through my belt loop and pull me away. I ran wherever Daryl pulled me."How many?" "I didn't see.""Don't matter. There's gonna be more of them." Daryl said, reloaded his weapon, "We need to move." the gunfire continued, "Any grenades left?" Rick ask, "Uh-huh." Daryl said, digging through the backpack, "Get 'em ready. We gotta gun into the wall." Rick said, glancing around. I got up with Maggie to help her defend our spots. I rounded the corner and shot at a man who was getting too close, "You guys go ahead, Jade and I can lay down some cover fire." Daryl nodded up at me to get my permission. I nodded back, "No, we gotta stay together." Glenn looked up at me, "Too hairy. We'll be right behind you." Daryl reassured Rick and Glenn. I leaned forward and kissed Glenn's lips, "I love you, baby." I whispered to him. I grabbed Maggie's arm, "If we get separated, take care of him." I whispered. She nodded, "Ready?" Daryl said, emerging from cover. He tossed a smoke bomb and I stayed by his side, "Move!" I shouted, laying down some fire to distract them. I heard more shouting and felt Daryl tug on my belt loop again. He stopped me and started to lay down some fire. I followed this action and took down one man hiding behind a bench. I heard a bullet wiz past my ear, "Shit." I whispered, shooting the man responsible. I dropped down and stopped to reload, "Daryl! Jade!" I heard Rick shouting, "Go!" Daryl shouted back, cocking his weapon and firing again.
--------------------------------------------------I heard someone talking. My vison was impaired. All I could see is blackness as I felt myself being held back. I felt myself being lead somewhere, someone grunting beside me. It must be Daryl. I struggled as I felt the grip loosen on me and push me forward, "These are two of the terrorists-", I felt a strong grip on one of my arms, then a bag being ripped off my head, "Merle's own brother and sister." I came face to face with Merle, staring me down in the middle of a ring. I got pushed forward, seeing Daryl beside me. Daryl grabbed me to check me over. Half my shirt was pulled down, revealing my bra. Honestly, that was the least of my worries, "So what should we do with them, huh?" a man I could only guess was the Govenor said, "Kill them!" the crowd erupted, "What?" the Governor shouted, "Kill them!" they boomed. I gritted my teeth and looked at Merle, then back to Daryl, "You wanted them. Now you got 'em." the Governor smirked.
This is basically just an update on the story for now until I finish switching the other chapters onto here from my journal! Hope you all enjoy.

Slightly undead. || Glenn Rhee ||
FanfictionJade Dixon, one of the Dixon siblings, survives side-by-side with her badass brothers. With a sword in her hand, she fights for her life... and love.