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// Jade //
"What's going on?" I ask, coming out of the house with wet hair.
Everyone ran around in a panic, looking for Randall, "Randall. He's missing." Glenn said, walking over to me with an arm around me protectively, "I'm gonna go get my weapons, if that's okay." I looked to Hershel for permission. Hershel nodded, "I'll go with you. He could be in the house. I don't want you to get hurt." This caught the attention of Daryl, who nodded his approval. Glenn held onto me tightly as he followed behind me into our room. I strapped my machete on and put my gun over my shoulder. We were out of the house in thirty seconds flat to see Shane emerge from the tree line, "What happened?" Lori shouted at Shane, who's nose was obviously broken, "He's armed!" Shane marched over to us. Glenn held his grip on my wrist, "He's got my gun." I looked at Shane curiously, "Are you okay?" Carl ask, "I'm fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me. He clocked me in the face." Shane said. This wasn't right. Shane was a big man; muscular wise anyway. He can handle his own, "All right, Hershel, T-Dog, get everybody back in the house. Glenn, Daryl, come with us." Rick motioned. I grabbed Glenn's hand, not wanting him to leave, "T, I'm gonna need that gun." Shane pointed at T-Dog, "Just let him go." Carol pipped up, "That was the plan, wasn't it, to just let him go?" I sighed and held Glenn tighter, "The plan was to cut him loose far away from here, not on our front step with a gun." Shane took the pistol from T and backtracked to Rick's side. Glenn kissed me, his lips lingered on mine a moment before he walked over to Shane. Daryl hugged me tightly, "I love you." I muttered into his hair, "Love you, too. Be safe." he said, walking beside Glenn. "Don't go out there. You know what could happen." I said, pleading with them, "Get everybody back in the house." Rick looked over his shoulder, "Lock all the doors and stay put!" Rick said, marching off toward the woods, "Lets go, back in the house." T said, ushering everyone inside. I stayed put, watching the two men I loved the most walk off toward what felt like their death. I felt hands on my waist and turned quickly to see T, trying desperately to get me to go inside. I sighed and moved along with him inside the house.

// Daryl //
The darkness had settled in and I'm sure we'd been out here for at least an hour. Glenn followed my steps carefully. I stepped in between a tree and continued my way. I watched my surroundings carefully and sighed, "This is pointless. You got a light?" I ask Glenn. He handed me the flashlight he held in his hands and I turned it on. I swept the beam of light around my surroundings. I sighed again, "Come on." I muttered, walking toward the right. "We're just back to square one." Glenn said, stepping over a fallen log, "If you're gonna do a thing, you might as well do it right." I said, stepping on a twig, "There's two sets of tracks right here." I studied them carefully with the light in hand, "Shane must've followed him a lot longer than he said. I walked a little farther, over to a tree, "There's fresh blood on this tree." I said, shinning the light on it to be sure. After a moment of looking around, I spotted more tracks, "There. More tracks." I said to Glenn,  who hadn't spoken a word, "Looks like they're walkin' in tandem." Glenn ran into me, "Sorry." he said. I nodded in return, turning my attention back to the ground, "Yeah, there was a little dust up right here. " I said, examining the scene, "What do you mean?" Glenn ask, his voice small, "I mean something went down." I glanced up at him, "It's getting weird." Glenn said as we walked forward. A few paces forward and I saw the binds that once covered Randall's eyes, "Had a little trouble." I said, watching Glenn pick up the piece of cloth. As we examined it, a stick snapped from behind us. We both ran back behind a tree, and waited for whatever made the noise to appear from behind the trees. I whistled softly to catch Glenn's attention then tossed him the flashlight. He caught it with ease as I slowly left the cover of the tree, hearing a twig snap underneath something, or someones, weight. I spotted a figure in the distance and watched it intently for a moment. In one swift movement, the figure jerked its head, spotting me. Glenn jumped as he peered around the tree, the walker now in his face. It knocked Glenn of his feet. Just as Glenn pushed it off, I had readied myself to shoot. It was too late. The walker tumbled on top of me. I used to crossbow as a barrier, keeping it off of me. Glenn stood up, regaining himself. He grabbed the walker, flipped it off me and stabbed it in the head. I sighed, collecting myself before I stood up again. I held the flashlight over the walkers dead body. I sighed, "Nice." I hit Glenn in the stomach lightly.
"Got his neck broke." I said, examining the walker identified as Randall. I rolled him over, checking for bites or scratches. I raised his shirt up. Nothing. I let out a frustrated breath, "He's got no bites." I said mostly to myself, "Yeah, none you can see." Glenn replied. I double checked the body, but once again found nothing, "No, I'm tellin' ya. He died from this." I motioned to his broken neck. I looked at Glenn for a moment, the both of us trying to decide how he turned, "How's that possible?" Glenn ask. I glanced back to the body. Silence over came us and no answer came. I stood and walked away from the body, Glenn following soon after.
// Jade //
I sat in my room, sitting at the small window-seal to await the return of Glenn and Daryl. It was dark now, and they weren't back yet. My worry settled in so much I forgot all about dinner. A knock on my door sounded, and in came Maggie with a plate of food, "You didn't come down to eat, so I brought you a plate up." she said, handing it to me. I smiled and took it from her, eating a fried potato slice with my fingers, "Thanks, Maggie." I said, sitting the plate beside me with a few picks at it every now and then, "You okay?" she ask, leaning up against the wall beside me, "Yeah. I'm okay. Just worried,  I guess." I said, letting out a breath of air with a small smile, "Glenn and Daryl will both be fine. I promise. They're good, strong people. They can handle their own." she said, pushing herself off the wall. She touched my shoulder with a small smile, then left. I took a small bite of the cornbread and lay down on my half of the cots, starring at the ceiling feeling vulnerable once more.  One man came into my life and he's affected me this much. I smiled at the thought of his smile, the way the corners of his eyes crinkled together, and his laugh. Oh my God, his laugh! Although it was rarely heard, I loved every second of it. I sighed and turned over to try and sleep. All of my stress left my body, leaving me feeling relaxed and peaceful once more.

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