Fight or leave.

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// Glenn's POV. //

"Hey. You seen Merle around?" Daryl called to me as I tried to padlock a broken door shut. I didn't give him an answer, hating the mention of his name. I heard him put down his crossbow, then lift the door up, padlocking the top, "He say he was sorry yet?" I ignored him again, snapping the padlock closed on my side, " 'Cause he is." I turned around to pick up a cartoon of empty bottles, packing them to a small table where Daryl's crossbow rested, "He's gonna make it right. I'm gonna make him. There's gotta be a way. Just needs to be a little forgiveness is all." I walked over to Daryl, "He tied me to a chair, beat me, and threw a walker in the room. Maybe I could call it even. But he-- he was with the Governor. He lead Jade to a man who terrorized her, humiliated her. Do you know what he done to her, Daryl? Your own sister... I care more about her than I care about me." I walked away from him, then started ripping some old cloth into small pieces to put together some Molotov's.  He grabbed his crossbow from the table and walked away.

I walked into Hershel's cell, giving him a small nod, "Look at what that bastards done. Look at us." I said, "He's one man. There'll be others like him. There always have been." he agreed, "I know. It's like the walkers. There's nothing we can do." I said, sitting down on his little stool, "Can I ask you something?" I ask. He nodded, "I want to marry Jade." I let it out, swallowing hard before continuing, "And we don't have to have a wedding. I don't even know if we'll last the week. But I want her to know  before... who knows." I sighed, "Then you marry her, Glenn. On behalf of Daryl, I give you my blessing because I know he would give you his."

I was outside, looking at walkers. One female caught my eye as  I began my search. Then I found what I was looking for; a ring.  She stuck two fingers in the holes of the fence. I cut both of them off then grabbed what I needed, jogging back up the prison to clean them.

-Jade's P.O.V-

I was standing in the courtyard, looking in the field of the prison, toward one of the guard towers. It was beautiful. I heard someone walking up behind me so I turned around to see who it was. Glenn. I smiled, "Hey." he greeted me, "Hey. Carl was looking for you." I smiled at him, "He found me." Glenn smiled back, "I think we should head over. Rick has something to say... Uh, just- one more thing before that." I cocked my head in confusion, "Here." he took my hand in his. I smiled at the moment. We really didn't get many moments like this. He studied my face for a moment before reaching into his pocket, turning my hand over and placing something in it. I opened my hand slowly as he kept my hand in his. A ring.  I closed my fist back around it and smiled at him, "Yes." I whispered, kissing him. He put his hands on my waist, kissing me again.

We walked into the small meeting Rick was having, missing Daryl, Merle, and Michonne. I was worried, honestly. I hitched my gun on my shoulder, settling into my jacket, "When I met with the Governor, he offered me a deal. He said-- he said he would leave us alone if I gave him Michonne. And I was gonna do that to keep us safe. I changed my mind. But now Merle took Michonne to fulfill the deal and Daryl went to stop him and I don't know if its too late." my eyes widened, "I was wrong not to tell you. And I'm sorry. What I said last year, that first night after the farm... it can't be like that. It can't.  What we do, what we're willing to do, who we are, it's not my call. It can't be. I couldn't sacrifice one of us for the greater good because we are the greater good. We're the reason we're still here, not me. This is life and death. How you live... how you die-- it isn't up to me. I'm not your Governor. We choose to go. We choose to stay. We stick together. We vote. We can stay and we can fight or we can go." Then Rick walked away from us.

Merle was dead and honestly I couldn't cry. I was too busy fighting everything else. But I don't wanna talk about it. We were packing up all our stuff and heading out, but I wasn't sure how long we'd be gone. I placed my hand on my stomach and climbed into the car with Glenn, resting my head against the window and letting my thoughts drift away again.

I was out in the woods with Hershel, Beth, the baby, and Carl. Glenn thought I would be safer out here than at the prison. I heard Carl mutter something after the gunfire and alarm started. After a while, the alarm and shooting stopped. We were getting our things and ready to leave when someone came running toward us. Carl had him at gunpoint as I fumbled for my rifle, raising it to aim, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't shoot." The boy said. He was young, "Don't shoot." he said, "Drop the weapon, son." Hershel said to him, "Sure." he agreed, reaching the gun over to me, "Here, take it." I reached my hand out, getting ready to grab it. Bang. His body fell to the ground. Carl had shot him.

We walked back into the prison, Beth holding Judith with Carl beside her. Hershel and I walked in together and over to Rick who was now hugging Carl, "Dad, I'm coming to Woodbury." Carl informed him, "Carl." Rick sighed, "Dad, I did my job out there. Just like all of you. Took out one of the Governor's soldiers." Carl said, obviously proud of himself, "One of his soldiers? A kid running away? He stumbled across us." Hershel stated to Carl, "No, he drew on us." Carl lied, "I'm sorry you had to do that." Rick told his boy, "It's what I was there for. I'm going with you." then he walked away. Hershel stepped forward with his crutches and I followed him, "That kid was scared. He was handing his gun over." I said to Rick, "He said he drew." Rick got slightly in my face. I shook my head, "Carl said it was defense." Rick said, pushing himself closer to my face, "I was there. He didn't have to shoot. He had every reason not to--" I started, "Maybe it looked like that to you, Jade--" I interrupted him, "Rick! I'm telling you he gunned that kid down." I said then walked off to find Glenn.

"Rick, we're staying. We don't know where the Governor is. If he comes back, we'll hold him off." Glenn spoke for himself and me, "Just the three of us? All right." Daryl said, "I appreciate you staying." Rick said, "Sure." I muttered as he walked off. Glenn and I ran to move the gate open, watching Daryl go on his motorcycle and Rick and Michonne in the truck. We pushed the gate back shut, killing off some walkers trying to get in.

They pulled back into the gate, a large bus following behind them. I shut the gate back with Glenn and walked over to them. People, old and young, poured out of the bus. The people of Woodbury. I clung to Glenn's arm as I walked forward, falling in step with Glenn. Maybe everything would be okay. Maybe everything could work out. And maybe, just maybe, we can survive without fault in this small community of ours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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