Hurting me.

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I watched as Glenn pulled up a car for Andrea to take back. He opened the door and walked over to me, watching her, "Can you spare it?" she ask, slinging her bag over her shoulder, "Yeah." Rick nodded.
Andrea drummed her fingers on her bag, looking around at all of us, her eyes lingering on Michonne, "Well, take care." she said, ducking into the car. She shut the door, "Andrea." Rick said, taking a few steps forward. Rick handed her, her knife and gun back, "Be careful." he muttered, "You, too." she said, putting her hand on the wheel. She started the car, then drove away. I walked slowly forward with my gun in hand like everyone else. I watched as Merle opened the gate quickly, watching her drive away.

It was getting dark now and everyone was sitting outside their cells. I was feeding Judith, getting some practice in for my own child. I handed her off to Rick as he walked down the stairs as I remained on the perch. After a few seconds of silence, Beth began to sing. As we listened to her sing, Glenn came and sat with me on the stairs. He kissed the side of my head and returned to watching Beth.

Just as I got up to go to bed, Daryl grabbed my arm. I hadn't talked to him or Merle since they returned, even though I've been longing too. He pulled me aside to where Merle was, "Jade, I know you're mad at us. We just wanted what's best for you and the baby." I bit my lip, "If you would've waken me up! At least told me!" I said in a low whisper so I wouldn't wake the baby, "You were passed out, Jay!" Merle said. I huffed a breath, smacking Daryl and Merle both on the arms, "Ow! What was that for?" Merle whined, "Hurting me." I sighed, collapsing into my brothers arms once more.

I was getting dizzy and nauseous, something Carol told me was normal at this stage. Beth was feeding the baby as I walked up to her, "I got it." I smiled, "Need some practice?" she ask with the bright smile of hers, "Defiantly." she handed Judith over to me. I titled the bottle upwards, making sure not to get any air bubbles. Once she downed the bottle, I threw a rag over my shoulder and lay her down on my chest, her tiny face facing the cloth. I patted her back, successfully burping her. I  smiled to myself, "Mind if I walk around outside with her? Get the both of us some fresh air?" I ask Beth, "Sure." she smiled, walking downstairs. I lay her blanket down, wrapping her up tightly to protect her from the cold. I packed her into my cell, grabbing Glenn's coat off the bed. Glenn was sitting there, reading a book, "Hey, will you hold her for a second?" I ask Glenn. He nodded, folding down the top corner of his page and closing his book. He held his arms out as I gently lay Judith down in his arms. He smiled at the child, "Aren't you just a cutie." he cooed. I slipped on his coat, "You're gonna be the best dad. You know that, right?" I ask him with a smile. He smiled, too, and pulled me in for a kiss.
Hershel, Rick, and Daryl were away to meet with the Governor. I wasn't allowed to come because of my 'current health issues' with being pregnant. Everyone was gathering our weapons and supplies, ready for war if the enemy came to our doorstep, "Carl, come here." Glenn said to Carl. He walked around the table toward us, "You stash these at the loading dock. All right?" Glenn handed Carl some extra boxes of ammo, then off he went, "Beth, put more on the catwalk. If anyone gets pinned down, we need to make sure that they have plenty of ammo. Jade, watch Judith while we're out and keep your guns on you. I'll go work on the cage outside." Glenn said, kissing me. Before he could completely walked away, Merle spoke, "What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower  in a truck and paying a visit to the Governor. We know where he is right now." Glenn faced him, "Are you suggesting that we just go in and kill him?" Glenn scoffed, "Yeah, I am." Merle said, putting his arm on the wall, "We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put." Michonne spoke, "I've changed my mind, sweetheart. Being on the sideline with my brother out there  ain't sitting right with me." Merle looked toward me, "The three of them are right in the middle of it. No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things could go wrong." Glenn countered, "And they will." Merle argued back as Carl walked back from dropping off the ammo, "My dad can take care of himself." Carl spat toward Merle, "Sorry, son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon." Enough was enough, "Merle. Shut it." I crossed my arms around my stomach, "It's not the right move. Not now. Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire. That's my decision. It's final." Glenn said before storming out. I stomped over to Merle and smack his head, but not hard enough to cause damage, "What was that for?" He groaned, "You're lucky we're keeping you, Merle. So I would advise keeping your mouth shut." I ran a hand through my hair, "Oh God, I'm gonna be sick." I moaned, running over to the farest corner of the room. Merle jogged after me and grabbed my hair away from my face as I heaved out the little breakfast I had ate that morning.
I walked back into the main room to see Merle shoving ammo and guns in a small bag, "Hey, you're not going. "Glenn stated, shutting the door behind him, "I don't need permission." Merle said, filling his bag full, "I can't let you." Glenn said, standing in front of the door, "You can't stop me." Merle countered, "If you're gonna live here with us, it's gonna be on our terms." Maggie said. Merle ignored her and turned to leave, making Glenn pick up his gun, "If Michonne can do it, why can't you?" Maggie shouted, "Cause it's my brother out there, that's why. What's the matter with y'all?" Merle said sarcastically, then walked to the door guarded by Glenn, "I'm not gonna let you put them in danger." Glenn said, slightly looking up my older brother, "Nut up already, boy. This guy cops a feel of your woman, my sister, and you pussy out like this? Get out of my way. " My face was a deep red by now as I hugged my stomach, "No." Glenn stated firmly. Merle nodded then stood for a moment. Suddenly, Merle pushed him out of the way as I ran forward. The two were fighting now. They rolled down the stairs as I tried desperately to pull them apart. Merle pulled a knife, then began to choke Glenn. I climbed on top of Merle, clawing at this clothes, "GET OFF!" I screamed, putting Merle in a choke hold. Then I felt someone pulling on my waist, which had to be Maggie. I seen brown hair and then the hands of Michonne, so I knew I wasn't alone. A gunshot went off and we all stopped, still on top of one another. I looked to see Beth standing there with her arm raised, a gun in her hand. She slowly put it back down, "LET ME GO!" Merle repeated, shoving me off and sending me crashing to the floor. I wrapped an arm around my stomach protectively as I fell.

I slip on my jacket as I go outside, my rifle on my shoulder. I seen Glenn standing there, watching the walkers on the other side of the fence, "Hey." I said, walking over beside him, "I thought it was my watch." I smiled shortly, "I got it." he said. I gave him a soft nod, "Keep you company?" I ask. He motioned with his head beside him. I rested my arms on the pieces of wood, lying my head down on my hands, "That was a hell of a choke hold." Glenn looked at me, a hint of a smile glowing on his face, "I should've put him to sleep." I joked. It was quiet for a moment before Glenn spoke again, "When we got back from Woodbury... I made it all about me. And you needed your space and I didn't give you that." I sighed, "I didn't need my space from you." I said, not looking at Glenn, "I just... wanted you to see me." I finally looked at him. I let out a breathy laugh, "I'm with you. I'm always with you, you know?" I stood up tall, "I'm sorry. "Glenn looked me dead in the eyes, "I know." I nodded. He stepped toward me and pulled me in, muttering 'I'm sorry's'. I placed my head in the crook of his neck as he held me, "Oh, God, I love you. I love you." he muttered into my hair, "I love you, too." I said. He pulled away and kissed me. Then he went back in for another, then another. He pushed my gently up against the wooden planks, "Wait." he said, "Hm?" I ask, smiling, "I can't do this." he said, looking behind me. I smiled, seeing the walkers watching us, "Come here." I whispered, jogging back inside, shutting the metal door. Glenn stopped mid-process, "Wait, can we do this?" he ask, "What do you mean?" I ask him with a smile, "You're pregnant. Will doing this, like, hurt it?" I laughed, "No, you goof. Just be gentle."

"So, I met this Governor.Sat with him for quite a while." Rick said, "Just the two of you?" Merle ask, getting a nod from Rick, "Should've gone when we had the chance, bro." Merle said to Glenn, "He wants the prison. He wants us gone. Dead. He wants us dead for what we did at Woodbury. We're going to war."

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