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// Jade //

Glenn and Daryl were both gearing up. Of course, I wasn't allowed to come. They said it was 'too dangerous'. So I was left in charge with a set of keys that Daryl gave me, with Rick's permission. T, Maggie, Hershel, Glenn, Rick, and Daryl were all now walking out. Glenn and Daryl both had already given me a kiss goodbye, followed with an I love you and a promise to be careful. Rick approached me, "Take care of things, okay? Make sure everyone stays safe." I nodded and allowed him to pat me on the back, "Good to have you back, Jade." he gave me a half-smile before walking off to join the rest of the group. I locked the door after all of them and turned to go back to Glenn and I's cell to clean up.

"OPEN THE DOOR! IT'S HERSHEL!" I didn't hesitate to run and unlock the door. Rick and Maggie were pushing Hershel in on a table, his leg cut off. I put my hand to my mouth but came to my senses quickly and followed everyone in the cell where they had wheeled Hershel. I pushed my way through the crowd of people, tossing my gun and keys aside. I pushed my hands against the nub to help the bleeding, "Bandages!" I screeched, "We used everything we had." Glenn said, putting his hand on his head, "Well, get more! Anything!" I looked at him, "Carl, go get the towels from the back, right next to my bed." Lori ordered Carl. He nodded and ran off, "Is he gonna die?" I heard Beth ask, "No, no, no, no. He's gonna be okay." Lori comforted Beth, "You think you can stabilize him?" Rick ask me, "I need to keep his leg elevated." I said, "CAROL! Come help." I yelled for her. Carol was practically my bestfriend in his situation, "Pillows." I muttered to her. She done as told and grabbed pillows, putting them under his leg as I held it up. I lay it down gently.
"He's already bled through the sheets."
"We can burn the wound to clot the blood. I can start a fire."
"No, please don't do this.
"No. The shock could kill him."
"It's not gonna stop the arteries from bleeding. We need to just keep it dressed and let it heal on its own." I said, handing everything to Carol as I heard Daryl outside. I wiped my hands on my shorts and shirt, leaving them blood streaked. I walked out, after grabbing my gun and the keys, to where Daryl was standing. He had his crossbow aimed. He glanced up at me and nodded. I got the picture and did as he was. This was like brother-sister language. Someone was coming. I heard foot steps, tensing up. After a moment, these men in blue prison suits came marching in. Most of them were checking me out, then looking around at Daryl. My rifle and Daryl's crossbow followed their every move, "That's far enough." Daryl said to them, "Cell block C." The one with a white tank top on said, walking tiny steps forward, "Cell 4-- that's mine, gringo. Let me in. " I let out a laugh, followed up a smirk, "Today's your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go." I said, "Whatcha got goin' on in there?" I rolled my eyes, "Isn't any of your concern." I scoffed, "Don't be telling me what's my concern." he reached for a pistol in his belt. I stepped closed, sticking the rifle in his face, "Chill, man. Dude's leg is messed up." the biggest black one said, "Besides, we're free now. Why are we still in here?" he tried to reason with his friend, "The man's got a point." I said, my finger itching to pull the trigger, "Yeah, and I gotta check on my old lady." another black man said, "A group of civilians breaking in to a prison you got no business being in--got me thinking there ain't no place for us to go." the leader of their group said. I scoffed, pushing my gun in his face, "Why don't you go find out?" I said, motioning my head toward the door, "Maybe we'll just be going now." the one with the mustache said, "Hey, we ain't leaving." the leader said. Suddenly, T-Dog appeared pointing his gun, "You ain't coming in either." the leader raised his gun at T, making me pull my pistol out from my waistline and point it at the back of his head, "Hey, this is my house, my rules. I go where I damn well please." I rolled my eyes, "This ain't your house anymore." I spat, getting a look from Daryl, but T seemed to appreciate my help. Soon enough, Rick came in, "There ain't nothing for you here!" I shouted, backing away from the prisoners, "Why don't you go back to your own sandbox?" our argument was interrupted by Rick, "Hey! Everyone relax. There's no need for this." I backed away, beside Daryl, "How many of you are in there?" the leader ask, his gun still pointed at T, "Too many for you to handle." Rick shot back. He glanced at Daryl, me, then back to Rick, "You guys rob a bank or something? Why don't you take him to a hospital?" I rolled my eyes. He had to be kidding. It was quite for a minute, "How long have you been locked up in that cafeteria?" Rick ask them, "Going on 10 months." he looked at me, "A riot broke out. Never seen anything like it." The biggest one spoke, "Attica on speed, man." I snorted, "Ever heard about dues going cannibal, dying, coming back to life? Crazy. One guard looked out for us, locked us up in the cafeteria. Told us sit tight, threw me this piece, said he'd be right back." their leader said, "Yeah, that was 292 days ago." the biggest one said, "94 according to my calcula--" he was cut off, "Shut up!" he stopped talking, "We were thinking that the Army or the National Guard should be showing up any day now." I shifted my position, "There is no Army." Rick said.
"What do you mean?"
"There's no government, no hospitals, no police. It's all gone."
"For real?"
"What about my mom?" I snickered at the question.
"My kids? And my old lady?"
"Yo, you got a cell phone or something that we can call our families?"
"You don't get it, do you?" I said, getting annoyed, walking forward, "There's NOTHING. Everything's gone!" I broke, rolling my eyes, "No phones, no computers! As far as we can see, at least half the population has been wiped out. Probably more." They were quiet for a moment, "Ain't no way." their leader said, looking at me like I was the biggest liar on the planet, "See for yourself." I snort, motioning outside. We lead them outside to the courtyard. They walked out, one by one, "Damn, the sun feels good." one said, "Good lord. They're all dead." mustache said, looking at all the bodies laying around, "Never thought I'd be so happy to see these fences." one of the black men said, "You never said--how the hell did you get in here in the first place?" the smallest one said, "Cut a hole in that fence over there by the guard tower. " Daryl said, "That easy, huh?" the man responded. I snickered, "When there's a will, there's a way." I rolled my eyes and saw a walker shambling toward us. Huh. Musta missed it when we cleared this place out. Daryl noticed it to, "I got it." I mumbled, unsheathing my machete. I walked over to it, twisting my machete in my hand. I got a good grip on the handle and swung it forward and took off its head. The severed head nipped at me, in which I returned with a good stab to the brain. I slung my blade to clean it off a bit before I put it back in its casing. I walked back over to Daryl, who used his thumb to clear away some blood. I saw two prisoners whisper to each other, then look at me and bite their lips, "What is it, boys?" Daryl ask the two. He must've seen it too, "Oh, man. I'm sorry, but we haven't seen a woman in a long time. Is she your woman?" he ask. I spoke up, "No. He's my brother." I walked toward them in a mocking tone. Their eyes wouldn't leave my body. I slowly took my machete out without them noticing and put it under mustaches chin, "But my man wouldn't take too kindly to you, or your friend." I smiled, jerked my blade away. When I turned, a loud smack was heard. The black one had hit my ass! Daryl's face turned red and I saw him marching toward him. I beat Daryl to it, turning around to him. With one good hit to the nose, he stumbled back. He came marching up at me and tried to swing. I dodged and kicked his balls. He groaned and doubled over. I took my machete and sliced it across his cheek, but not enough for serious damage. He sat on the ground, "Do NOT mess with me." I smiled, walking away from him.
After down arguing over who got what cell block, we finally made a deal with the prisoners. The only thing was Daryl and Rick didn't want me to go with them and the prisoners back to the cafeteria, so I was laying in my cell, looking at my knuckles. Glenn walked in and noticed this action, "What's wrong?" he ask. Then I spilled the whole prisoner story. He smiled once I was finished, "What?" I ask, not understanding why he was laughing, "You're such a badass." he laughed, kissing me gently.
Hershel wheezed as Lori lifted the body plate off of his body. I was standing with Glenn just outside the cell when Maggie turned to me. She walked over to me, wrapping me in a hug. I put my arms around her as she let out a shaky breath, "It was stupid of us to let him go." She said, on the verge of tears, "We cleared this whole cell block, 5 of us did!" I sighed, "It could've happened to anyone, Mags." I said, letting her nestle in the crevasse of my neck, "What are we gonna do without him?" She ask, "Stop it, Maggie. We're not loosing your dad! He's still here." I held her by her shoulders in front of me. I saw Glenn eyeing me, "What if he does wake up? Then what? He can't even walk. All we do is run." she rambled on. I gave a little shake of her shoulders, "This won't break him. He helped us, and now it's our turn." She opened her mouth to speak again, "Now go check on Beth. I'll watch him." I nodded toward the cell Beth had gone into. She gave a low hum and walked off toward the cell. I felt Glenn's hands go on my back as I lead him toward the cell with Hershel.
"Foods here!" I heard T-Dog say as I unlocked the door, "What'd you get?" Carl ask, coming up behind me, "Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans." T joked. I hit him on the back slightly when he walked by, locking the door behind him, "There's a lot more where this came from." T said, "Any change?" Rick ask Glenn, "Bleeding is under control and no fever, but his breath is labored and his pulse is way down and he hasn't opened his eyes yet." Lori explained. Rick sighed and faced Glenn, "Take my cuffs, put them on him. I'm not taking any chances." Glenn did as told and took the cuffs, glancing back at me before walking inside.

I stood beside Glenn in the cell with Hershel. Lori and Carol sat in front of me. Maggie and Beth had just came in a while ago and we all watched Hershel in silence. The door creaked then clanged shut again, "I thought you were organizing the food." Glenn looked out. He must've been talking to Carl, "Even better." I heard Carl's voice. He walked in the cell with a bag, dropping it on the ground, "Check it out." He smiled, obviously proud. Carol gasped, "Where did you get this?" she ask the little boy. I looked in the bag, seeing medical tape, gauze, and even alcohol pads, "From the infirmary. Wasn't much left, but I cleared it out." Carl said, his voice full of boast. I helped Maggie and Carol wrap Hershel's leg, "you went by yourself?" Lori ask, distraught, "Yeah." Carl said with a wide smile, "Are you crazy?" Lori breathed, everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the two commerce, "no big deal. I killed two walkers." Carl said, trying to make his mother feel better, "You--all right, do you see this?" She patted Hershel's body, "This was with the whole group. " Lori's eyes were wide, "We needed supplies, so I got them." Carl raised his voice slightly, "I appreciate that, but--" Carl cut his mother off, "Then get off my back!" He yelled at Lori, "Carl!" I rose my own voice at Carl, "She's your mother. Do NOT talk to her like that!" Carl looked at me, looking as if he was going to pounce, "Listen, I think it's great that you wanna help--" Carl was already gone by the time she had said the words.

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