Get out.

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The whole group filed into the place where the other people were being held, "I'm Tyreese." the black man held his hand out to Rick, but Rick didn't return the favor, "Sasha, Allen, Ben." Hershel introduced the rest of them for us. Rick glanced back at Hershel then back toward Tyreese, "How'd you get in?" Rick ask, obviously still disorientated. Glenn wrapped his arm around me as we listened, "Fire damage to the administrative part of the prison.Wall's down." Tyreese explained, "That side's completely overrun with walkers. How'd you get this far? We didn't. We lost out friend Donna." I felt sympathy for these people. Loosing someone can be hard, "They were lost in the gyms." Carl said. Rick turned around and raised his voice, "You brought them here?!" I stepped forward and pulled Carl back toward me, keeping a firm arm around his shoulder, "He had no choice." Hershel defended, trying to calm Rick. Rick nodded his head and turned back to the people, "I'm sorry about your friend. We know what that's like." it was silent for a few moments, "Hershel said you could use some extra hands. We're no stranger to hard work. We'll go out and get our own food, stay out of your hair. You got a problem with another group, we'll help with that, too. Anything to contribute." Tyreese said. Rick stared at him for a few seconds then looked down, "No." I stepped forward, leaving Glenn and Carl where they were. This was gonna get bad, especially if these people didn't just go, "Please." Sasha pleaded, "It's like '10 Little Indians' out there. It's just us now." I put my hand on my hip, feeling for my weapons. But, to no avail, they were in my cell. The only thing I had on me was a knife, "No." Rick responded, "Let's talk about this." I said to Rick, "We can't just keep--" Rick cut me off, "We've been through this. With Tomas, Andrew. Look what happened." I chewed on my lip, feeling Glenn pawing at the back of my shirt, "Axel and Oscar weren't like them." Carol said, "And where's Oscar now?" Rick yelled slightly, "I can't be responsible." Rick said, calming back down, "You turn us out, you are responsible." Tyreese defended, "Rick." I said, motioning him my way. He sighed and walked over to me, "You've done so much for us. I appreciate that. We all do. We owe you our lives. We've done everything you asked without question. And I'm telling you you're wrong on this. You've got to start giving people a chance." I whispered to him. He looked up at the small group of people, then back to me. He took in a deep breath then sighed, giving me a small smile and a pat on the back. He looked up above me, then back down, "No, no." he whispered. He put his hand to his head, "No, no, no, no." he repeated. I stood tall, looking eye level with Rick as he whispered no over and over again. He walked away from me, "Why are you here?" he said lowly, "What do you want from me?" Rick ask, looking up at the walkway on the ceiling, "Dad?" Carl ask, "Why are you--no." he started backing away, "I can't help you! Get out!" he yelled, "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Tyreese tried to reason with Rick, "Get--get out!" Rick repeated, "Hey, come on. It's all good." Tyreese said, "What are you doing?" Sasha asked, "Hey, easy, Rick. There's no need to--" I walked over to Rick, keeping my voice steady. He cut me off, "You don't belong here! Get out! Please!" Rick screamed, making me jump back, pulling Carl with me. Glenn had walked off to the right, putting his arms out in front of Carol and Axel as Rick rampaged his way toward them, "Relax, brother. Relax." Tyreese pleaded, "Get out! Get out!" Rick was crying, "We'll leave, we're going." Tyreese said, backing away, "Okay? Ain't nobody gotta get shot here. We're going." Rick was screaming now, "What are you doing here?!" Tyreese and his group started to run back into the tombs, "Just go! Go! Go!" Glenn was ushering the people out, then followed behind them.


Glenn had pretty much taken over as leader with Daryl gone and Rick pretty much insane. He drew on the floor with a piece of chalk, making Carl telling him where he had found those people. I stood over with Maggie, a hand on my ever-growing stomach, "Now you said you found Tyreese's group here?" Glenn ask, looking up at Carl, "Yeah." Carl said, barely audible, "We secured this." Glenn sounded to be getting more aggravated. Carl sighed, "He thought he came through here." Carl pointed to somewhere I couldn't see, "Means there's another breach... Okay. The whole front of the prison is unsecure. If walkers just strolled in, then it's gonna be cake for a group of armed men." Glenn explained, "Why are we even so sure he's going to attack? Maybe you scared him off." Beth ask, "He had fish tanks full of heads.Walkers and humans. Trophies. He's coming." Michonne explained, "We should hit him now." Glenn looked toward me, "What?" Beth ask, "He won't be expecting it. We'll sneak back in and put a bullet in his head." Glenn countered, "We're not assassins." Carol said. Glenn rose from the ground, walking over to Michonne, "You know where his apartment is. You and I could end this tonight." She just sighed at his words, glancing over at me, "I'll do it myself." Glenn said. She nodded her head, "Okay." I opened my mouth to say something, but Hershel spoke before I could, "He didn't know you were coming last time and look what happened. You were almost killed. Daryl and Jade were captured. And you and Maggie were almost executed." I bit on my fingernails, feeling a comforting hand on my back, knowing it had to be Maggie, "You can't stop me." Glenn marched closer to Hershel, "Rick would never allow this." Hershel said, trying to make Glenn back out. But he didn't.

"You really think he's in any position to make that choice?"

"Think this through clearly. T-Dog lost his life here. Lori, too. The men that were here. It isn't worth any more killing. What are we waiting for? If he's really on his way, we should be out of here by now."
"And go where?" Glenn spat
"We lived on the road all winter."
"Back when you had two legs, we didn't have a baby, and another one on the way."
"We can't stay here." Hershel tried to reason.
"We can't run." Glenn said with a voice that ended the conversation.
I turned and pulled away from Maggie, marching back into Glenn and I's cell, feeling his eyes burning holes in my back as I walked.

// Few hours later. //

I heard light footsteps coming into my cell as I lay on my bed with my back facing the door. It had to be Glenn, "Where have you been?" I was right, it was Glenn. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes as I exhaled, "We need to find out how the walkers are getting into the tombs." I ignored him still, breathing slowly, "Are we gonna talk about this?... Jade, you need to talk about it." I sighed, "I do? Or you do?" I rolled over slightly to face him, "What does that mean?" he ask, "What do you want me to say? You want me to say I'm hurt that my own brothers left without saying goodbye? Want me to say that when I first got caught, the Governor came to see me personally? Touched me?"

// Flashback //

It was dark. A dirty rag was shoved in my mouth to keep me quiet. The squeak of the door echoed in the empty room, then footsteps walked swiftly over to me, jerking away the rag tied around my eyes and from my mouth. A man with a patch over his eye stood there, his face red. He grabbed me by my hair and pushed my hair backwards. His hands traveled my body as I squirmed to get away, tears blurring my vision. I sucked in a breath as he went down, turning my head sideways and bit his wrist as hard as I could. He pulled away, striking me across the face. I gritted my teeth as he held me by my hair, "You either do what I say or you can tell both your brothers goodbye." he growled, going back down once more.

// End of flashback. //

Glenn was quiet, looking down with anger. He hadn't known what that man done. He swallowed hard, "Did he..." Glenn couldn't say the words, "Rape me?... No." I said, raising up off the bed and sitting up. Glenn looked at me, pleading for the truth, "No. Do you feel better?" I ask, "I'm not trying to--" I cut Glenn off, "I had a choice. Either do what he said or lose both my brothers. But I guess now, it doesn't matter. They're gone anyway." I sighed, looking down and biting back tears. He reached his hand out to me, "I'm sorry, Jade, baby." he said as I let him rub my back. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head, then walked out.

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