The start

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Everything used to be normal, I used to have a family.
A mother a father...a little brother
But than it all happened .

We just got off the plane are new home in harran we live in old down district.
It's a bigger place than what I thought it would be.

It was me who saw the first zombie.
The story is short so bare with me.

We just moved in to the house than the next day all hell broke loose.
I was walking down the street with my brother, his name was James.

We were walking down the street and oh boy did James love everything he saw.
The city was so colorful so bright.
He would turn around and smile pulling my hand and his bright blue eyes...his blond hair...his smile he was always filled with joy.
Than it happened a man eating another and there were more that one passageway filled with zombies.
All you could hear was people screaming yelling it felt like you could see fear.
My brother screamed and a couple of them came after us i picked up my brother and ran as fast as i could.
People were still on the street at least 50 or more and all your could hear was their screams.
My only goal was to just keep my brother safe.
As i ran up the street to the hotel we live at you would see is windows breaking cars crashing people running out the door... And the dead body's.
My brother would scream at all the loud noises he heard and i see the building were we live at.
I pushed the door entrance and told every one to run and go somewhere safe but they just stood there so i ran to the stairs and we live on the top floor.
As i reach the top i unlock the door and run inside putting my brother on the floor and pushing a couch to the door to be safe.

"James...james you okay."

"I am scared where is mommy and daddy?"

"I dont know but its going to be okay."

"Can you call mommy."
I pulled my phone out to call my mother.
As the phone rings i could hear gunshots and screaming downstairs.
"Hello..jake what is it."

"Mom are you with dad right now."

"Yes what is it that you need."

"Mom you need to get home quick."

"I cant we are stuck in traffic."

All i remember from that call was a explosion and screaming.


"Jake what happened to mommy."

"Nothing go get your backpack."


He ran to the room and brings me a backpack i emptied it out and started to put the really important things we needed, i started yo think harshly in that moment i figured we would not see are parents so i started to prep for survival.
"James go watch T.V."


As he turned on the T.V there was a man saying to evacuate the city to a safe area it gave us information and what was happening but not enough than static.

I checked are food to see what we had
And the only thing we had was 3 cans of beans 3 T.V dinners and 10 water bottles 1 loaf of bread and ham for sandwiches.


its been a while its all silent the power went out and its getting cold james keeps coughing and i think he is getting sick.

I look around the room and there is a emergency handbook.
I check it out and there is a back up generator in the basement.

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