eighteen | with

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Crissle was so infatuated with Zayn.

They lied in his enormous bed for three hours that night. She watched and listened as he told stories about himself when he was younger. How his sisters embarrassed him one time in the store or how his mom cut his hair so he looked like a military man. He told her about his dad, who drew a mustache on him because apparently Zayn thought he was the shit back in the day.

And she watched him. She watched his eyes light up when he told her stories and she watched the way his lips brushed against each other when he pronounced certain words. She watched him blink and breathe and laugh and giggle.

Anything to get her mind off the preceding events.

Zayn sighed, staring at Crissle's neck. "How does it feel now?"

She tried to cover it up but there was no use, Zayn had already seen the bruises and Crissle wasn't wearing anything that could cover it.

"It's okay," she whispered, her voice cracking at some parts due to the raw feeling in her throat, "the medicine is working, I guess."

"Sure?" he sat up a little and watched her, "do you need anything?"

Crissle shook her head, looking down at her hands. "No, thanks."

Zayn's arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her closer. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, Criss. Some head of another company was requesting me and--"

"Zayn, it's okay--"

"No, it's not," he huffed, "I said I was gonna stay with you and I didn't."

"But...it's okay, I mean. I don't know."

Zayn sat up even more and pulled her closer to his body. He wasn't wearing a shirt anymore, so the warmth of his skin was almost overwhelming. "Do you need some time off?"

"What? No, Zayn," Crissle carefully moved closer to him, hissing as she felt a pain in her side, "ow, ow, ow."

"Babe, stop moving," Zayn warned, "what are you doing?"

"Moving closer to you," she pouted, rubbing at her cheek, "let me do it."

"Come on," Zayn groaned playfully, snuggling his face in her neck, "ugh, I need a vacation."

"I thought you didn't like being by yourself."

"I'll have you, so I won't be alone."

"You'd really take me with you on vacation?"

"Well, yeah," he rested his chin on her chest, "I don't have anyone else, and I'd love to spend time with you."

"Hmm, I'd have to check with my boss to see if he'd let me get off."

"He'd always get you off," Zayn winked, laughing at the shocked face Crissle made.

"Zayn, ew," she giggled, pushing his face away when he tried to kiss her, "baby, stop," she tried rolling away but he pulled her back, crawling on top of her and kissing her nose, "Zayn."

"Who am I?"

"Daddy," she moaned playfully.

"See, keep this up and watch my dick accidentally slip in your mouth, then what?" he snickered.

"Then I'll have a mouthful of dick and I'd be a happy ass bitch."

"You're outrageous," he laughed, bending down and kissing her lips softly, "say it."

"You gon' have to do more than just--"

"Say it."

"Ayyy, Zayn, you know that song?" she grinned widely and closed her eyes in bliss.

He giggled an actual giggle and kissed her again. "Babe?"


"Do you like me?"


Zayn rolled off of her but still kept his face near hers. "And I like you?"

"Do you now?" she challenged, finally opening her eyes.

"Of course, baby," Zayn caressed Crissle's face, and she stared at the freckle in his left eye, smiling at it.

"Then what, Zayn?"

"I don't know," he sighed, "I don't know how to say it."

"Say what?"

"Say how I like you enough to wanna...wanna, like, try."

"Try what?" she questioned further, pulling lightly at the hairs by his nape.

"Try to...ta be with you," he muttered quietly, looking down at his fingers which he played with.

"Be with me?" she repeated his words yet again but there was a smile in her voice. Zayn really wanted her, all of her. Wanted to label her as something, even though she was fine without the label, as long as he wasn't with any other girls.

But him wanting this to happen gave her hope. She really liked this man.

Zayn nodded, still not looking at her. "I know I haven't been an ass lately, but I still am, ya know? And...and, ugh. I'm just so smitten over you--"

"Did you really just promise to be an asshole to me once we're together?" she giggled, sitting up against his headboard and smiling at him. His head stayed in her lap and he stroked her bare thigh like it was a kitten.

"I did," he chuckled deeply, her most favorite thing, "and what do you say?"

"I say..." she licked her lip, "I say, you're a very cute boyfriend."

"Really?" he finally looked up, the biggest smile he had ever shown on his face and Crissle didn't know how happy this man was until now. She made his whole night just by a few words.

"Yes, Zayn," she grinned, not even close to matching his big smile, "I'm your--"

"Girlfriend," he breathed, "like an actual girlfriend. Ayyy, it's lit."

"You can kiss your girlfriend if you want," she said, grinning at his choice of words, "and then you can tuck her in and sleep beside her."

"Okay," he just smiled, looking at her face before kissing her. And he kissed her as if he was sealing the deal, his tongue touching hers and his hands holding her face as if it was the most precious thing.

Crissle pulled the covers over them and curled into his side, her lips resting on his chest tattoos.

"Goodnight, baby," Zayn sighed, reaching over to cut the lamp off.

"Goodnight, Zayn," she hugged him tighter as she slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

"Wait, wait, wait," he cut the lamp back on and watched Crissle's eyes open, "babe, guess what?"

"What, Zayn?" she blinked.

"You're my girlfriend," he hummed and cut the lamp off once again, "my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girl..."

"Jesus Christ," she laughed at his chanting and kissed his chin to shut him up, "go the fuck to sleep, peanut head."




thoughts? what's your fav song?

ehm....bordersz is bomb BUT I DONT KNOW BECAUSE I LOVE EM ALL


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