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"Cris," her very sensual and adventurous dream was interrupted by her man singing her name as he entered the bedroom.

She sat up, the marks on her face hypothesized by a good ass nap. "What is this?"

"Breakfast," he answered with a smile, setting the tray in her lap, "for my lady."

Crissle grinned sleepily, staring at his bare chest. "You didn't have to do this, Zayn."

He gave her a look. "You don't know what day it is, do you?"

She stared at him in confusion then turned her head to her phone, which had the date on the lockscreen. "The fourteenth."

"Of what?" he pressed.

"...February," she cursed, her back hitting the bed once again as Zayn let out a small chuckle. Crissle tended to forget a lot of things that didn't have anything to do with work. She was an outstanding assistant and very professional in the workplace but outside of the corporate world, she didn't give a fuck. "I forgot, oh my God--"

"Ditz," he sat beside her and put an arm around her shoulders, "you're so lucky I have nothing planned for today."

"Really?" she bit into her waffle.


"That's what you said before and then this ring ended up on my finger," she grimaced playfully while he just rolled his eyes.

Crissle and Zayn, no longer boyfriend and girlfriend, but soon to be husband and wife, got engaged just a few months ago. Zayn wasn't thinking at all when he did it, just deciding on buying a ring that same day and putting it on her finger. He told her how he liked how it looked and he loved how it was on her finger because of him. Crissle, being who she was decided to keep it and even joked about getting married but honestly, Zayn was lowkey a sentimental little nigga and just got on one knee -- RIGHT IN THE FUCKING STORE -- and proposed to her on the spot.

She cried for at least three minutes before saying yes and kissing his face all over.

The next day, they thought it over and realized how fast they were going. Maybe it wasn't that fast but being that it was only a little over two years into their relationship, they were in no rush to get married and start a family.

Well, Crissle's mom would love some grand babies.

Zayn was chill, sometimes surprising her for dates and sometimes getting quickies in the office. Along with a little loving and tenderness and terms of endearment here and there.


Although, Zayn was somehow still Zayn. An asshole and an insensitive prick that sometimes Crissle had to slap silly. Zayn would always be Zayn, even if he was way better than two years ago.

But she loved him nonetheless.

"Okay, that was one time," Zayn corrected with a huff, "you didn't say no."

"Because I love you, ya dirty bum," she burped when finishing off her orange juice, "breakfast was lit, babe."

"Thank you, Crissy," Zayn kissed her cheek and grinned, "we sorta still need to go to work, sorry."

"I know, it's gonna be a busy day."



"Yellow?" she popped her head into Crissle's office and smiled.

"Do you have files on the UK stores?"

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