twenty seven | fine

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"I don't know, mum, stop asking me," Zayn rolled his eyes at his mom, who was on FaceTime with him. Crissle could tell he was over the whole conversation.

She sat in his lap, scrolling through a clothing website for new clothes to buy. She had plenty of the Malik women's collection -- wearing one of his dresses now -- but she had to expand her horizons.

"Ooh, this is cute," she whispered as Zayn argued with his mom, "for date night."

"Date night sounds really perfect," he said, cutting his mom off and looking at what Crissle was shopping for, "we should go on one tonight."

"The dress won't get here in time, Zayn," she replied in a duh tone.

"Baby," he chuckled, "we can just go on a date tonight. Nothing fancy."


"Yeah," he kissed her temple, "we can go eat or something."

"Okay," she grinned, holding his free hand in hers.

"Zayn, what are you--"

"Nothing, mum," Zayn rolled his eyes, "what else do you have to tell me?"

"Is that Crissle?"


Crissle continued to put in her credit card information but Zayn backspaced. "Stop," she groaned.

"Put mine in."

"No, I'm paying for it, it's not a lot."


"I don't even know your information."

"Four, seven, four, four..." he listed all of his credit card information in her ear. She giggled, typing away on the laptop and placing her orders.

"I also bought shoes, if you don't mind," she muttered sheepishly.

"I bet you'll look amazing in them," he kissed her cheek tenderly.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Mom--"

"I don't know if I like this."

"Like what?"

"Zayn, she's distracting you from your work," Trisha whispered as if Crissle couldn't hear, "and you're buying her things--"

"Because she's my girlfriend?" Zayn said incredulously. Crissle looked down. "I can do stuff like that for her."

"But you're not being responsible," she said sternly, "that's why you should give me the house--"

"Mum, bye," Zayn hung up on her and sighed. Crissle shut his laptop and got up, walking towards the door. "Stop it," he pulled her back to him.

Crissle looked down at her fingers, picking at the mauve color on her nails. "Criss."

"Your mom doesn't like me," she stated, "I don't even have to do anything and I'm in the way somehow."

"That's not it, babe," he wrapped his arms around her waist, "she...she thinks I should focus on just my work and only my work. And at the same time she wants me to be happy. How does that make sense?"

Crissle shrugged.

"You're my source of happiness," he lifted her chin up and kissed her nose, "you're my favorite pass time. You're a piece of work when you're upset."

Crissle giggled softly, leaning into his touch.

"Don't worry about her. It's just me and you."

"Just me and you. Got it."


"You look nice."

"Thank you," she smiled shyly for the thirtieth time that night. Crissle and Zayn had a really cute movie date. They ate first at a nice New York restaurant then went to see the new Civil War movie.

"You get so shy when I compliment you," he stated, holding her hands as they were the last ones to leave the theater room. Crissle was grinning hard, her face hurting with how happy she was right now.

"Because..." Crissle started.

"Because?" Zayn pressed, raising his eyebrows and looking back at her.

"Because you make me nervous."

"Still? After almost seven months together?"

"You're counting?" as if her smile could get bigger.

"Most def," he pulled her close to them as they walked into the warm air. Crissle had on a long sleeved shirt and tight jeans while Zayn being Zayn wore an olive green jumpsuit and a light gray jacket over the top. He managed to look good wherever he went with the most simplest of clothes.

"You're actually a really great boyfriend, babe," Crissle commended, "I don't tell you enough."

"Because I usually don't deserve it," he admitted. In truth, he didn't sometimes, but he had been doing so good lately. Listening, talking, admitting things he'd never admit before.

Like how he was truly feeling.

"I do it all for you anyway," he bit his lip and swung their arms between them, "and it does feel good to get things off my chest."

"I told you!" she exclaimed, squeezing his hand, "getting your feelings out is like...what do you guys do...masturbate? That."

Zayn snorted, pulling out his keys and unlocking his car doors. "So, if I don't beat my meat on a regular basis and we don't fuck, what is that like?"

"Build up," she nodded as if she knew what she was talking about, "it's like you never get to nut. Like you never get your feelings out and you just wait til one day and you--"

"Nut all over the place," he finished with a loud laugh. Crissle giggled, leaning on him against the car and hugging his torso.

"Basically," she hummed, closing her eyes and smiling.

"You're so warm and pretty."

"You're so pretty and warm."

"Ditto," he chuckled, kissing the top of her head, "I love this."

"Love what?"

"Love how close and calm and at peace we can be when I don't fuck up," he said. Zayn nudged his nose with hers and kissed her lips softly. "You're beautiful."

"You're beautiful," she retorted.

"Is this what we're gonna do? Compliment each other without saying thank you?"


"I like it," Zayn grinned, pulling her closer and kissing her temple, "perfect."


He giggled, kissing her lips once, twice, three, maybe seven times. "Okay, we have to go."

"Okay," she said dreamily, kissing him again before watching him open the door for her. He got in on his side and started the engine.

"Cold? Hot?"

"This is fine," he was so fine.

This whole date was the best thing ever.


hi guppies I lowkey updated just to tell you guys this story is ending in like...three or four chapters pfffftttt ha

but there is a sorta short sequel , cool?


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