twenty two | dumb

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"Yeah, it's really nice here," Crissle told Andrea through the Skype call on her laptop. She was partially doing work and partially talking to her best friend, who was stuck at work because the boss was gone.

They finally landed in Bradford. Crissle had met Zayn's mom briefly before the funeral, and she could tell she was a really nice woman with good intentions. She also met his sisters but his dad was nowhere to be found.

So, she was stuck in the hotel room with nothing but room service and a shitload of work to do.

"Is it cold?" Andrea asked, "heard it was cold there."

"It is," she agreed, "and you know me, so it's like Antarctica in here," she snuggled closer to herself, the cotton sweater clinging to her body.

"Yeah? So, how's everyone been holding up?"

Crissle tucked a hair behind her ear and sniffled. "I...I think Zayn's alright for now. I swear when he started crying I didn't know what to do, because it's him, you know? He probably won't be alright after the funeral, so. I'm here."

"Such a good girlfriend," Andrea teased with a grin, "my parents."

"Shut up, Drea," Crissle rolled her eyes and bit back a smile at her statement.

"Yes, mom."


"Drea, who are you talking to?" Trey's head popped out and he looked in the camera, "oh, hey, Criss."

"Hey, man."

"How's everything?"



"Trey, get back to work," Andrea pushed him away, but not before giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

Crissle raised her eyebrows.


"Bitch, I have so much to tell you," Andrea went into the is whole story on how her and Trey hooked up at a party the other night and have been inseparable since. Crissle didn't even know Zayn was there until Andrea was finished with her story. He was taking his blazer and dress shirt off, a tired look in his eyes.

"You alright?" Crissle asked him.

Zayn just nodded, a small smile on his face. He bent down and kicked his shoes off, along with his pants. She knew it wasn't the time to admire his body, but she couldn't help it.

"Tired," he muttered, shuffling on sweatpants and crawling on the bed. He glanced at her laptop screen, "Andrea, you're never working."

"Hey, I'm a good ass friend," she defended, "plus it's lunch break--"

"Not for you," he hummed, "goodnight," Zayn shut the laptop before Andrea could say anything else.

"You've been gone the whole day," Crissle stated, looking outside. It was dusk, hence, why she could talk to Andrea even with the time zones.

"Yeah," he sighed, "the funeral was at two and my mum wanted me to stay longer at her house."

"How is everyone--"



"Pack it in," he snapped, sitting up and glaring at her, "I don't wanna talk about it anymore, so shut up."

Crissle narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm just trying to help."

"You can help by not asking me every question under the fucking sun," he glared right back at her, "I didn't ask you to--"

"You didnt ask, you begged me," she got up and stood at the foot of the bed, "I didn't want to come and you begged me to. You know me, Zayn, I'm gonna keep asking you questions because I care about you--"

"You think this is the time to ask--"

"Yes, you dumbass. It's better to get it out now than keeping it in."

"You're just nosy, Crissle," he pointed out.

"That may be. But I also care a lot about you, and you're pushing me away. Why don't you listen?"

"Why don't you? Huh?" he backfired, "I said I wanted to be alone, so what part of that do you not understand?"

"I said--"

"You're so fucking stupid," he groaned, standing up also, his stare hard and cold on hers, "I swear, I've never met someone so dumb in my life. scatterbrained are you?"

Crissle's heart sank. She didn't think his words would hit her so hard, but then again, this was Zayn, and she really liked Zayn. His opinion mattered sometimes.

She wiped her eyes with the back of her arm, not daring looking in his eyes. "Is that what you think I am? Stupid?"

Zayn gulped, his eyes softening as she cried. "Criss, baby, I didn't mean--"

"Fuck you, Zayn!" she shouted finally, "I'm trying so hard to put up with your mood swings but I'm tired. All I try to do is help, and you're not appreciating it. I'm not stupid, not as stupid as you make me out to be, anyway. You begged me to come here with you, I didn't want to see anyone, but I came...just for your ungrateful ass. So fuck you."

Without another word, Crissle walked past him and towards the door. Zayn grabbed her arm and harshly pulled her back, slamming the door shut behind them.

"Where the fuck are you going?" he yelled, letting go of her arm. He was crying again, something Crissle didn't dare look at because he looked so...


"I don't wanna be in the same room as you," she mumbled tiredly.

"Too bad," he snapped, "the place is booked--"

"Get off of me," she pushed him away and backed up, "don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't even look my way. Go spend time with your family so we can get the fuck out of here."

Zayn clenched his jaw, looking down at the ground and shuffling his feet. He didn't glance back at her as he turned around to grab sweatpants and a hoodie. He picked up his phone and slammed the door behind him on his way out.

Crissle didn't care at the moment, she was too upset to care. She walked back over to her bed and got under the covers. Her phone vibrated, signaling she got a text.

zayn🐯: goodnight babe

Crissle cut the light off and went to sleep.


I made them mad at each other what is this fuckery

I'm so sorry

anyway, babiessssss


love you guys, bye

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