twenty four | missed

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"Hey, how was your flight?"

"Ehm," Zayn shrugged during the FaceTime call, sneezing into his arm, "it was okay. I'm homesick already."

"How are you feeling?" she asked him.

Zayn sniffled. "Um, I don't know."

Crissle refrained from rolling her eyes. She knew Zayn opening up was going to be a long and hard process, but, she wanted this. She accepted the challenge and now, she just had to see how it went.

"You can tell me," she whispered, setting the phone against her laptop screen like their last call, "Zayn."

"What?" he groaned, closing his eyes and smushing his face in the pillow.

"Come on, I'm your girlfriend. Who better to tell everything to?"

"So you're still my girlfriend?" he perked up, his bright and sad eyes looking into the camera, which, technically, was her. "I thought we broke up."

"If we did...why would I still be talking to you?"

"Worst case scenario," he sighed, "okay then."

"Are you okay, baby?" she asked again.

"I will be. S'just...ya know? I miss her," he pouted, "and grandpa. I miss them both and it hurts. And...and I try to keep a poker face because of...because of my image, but it's hard, man," he wiped his dry eyes absentmindedly and sat up, snuggling with the covers.

"Your image has nothing to do with the grief you're experiencing right now," Crissle murmured, "that's another thing, Zayn. Be more understanding of other people. I know your favorite hobby is firing people--"

"S'not a hobby," he grumbled. So adorable. "It's a passion. Brings me joy. Especially firing white people because they look so shocked," he giggled and hid in the pillows again.

"Zayn!" she laughed, covering her mouth to quiet down. She was in his office, after all.

"No, but really. What if...what if I tone it down? Then people will think they can do whatever."

"That's not going to happen because you're the boss and knowing you, you'll still be harsh, yeah? Just try."

"Only trying for you," he said sincerely, looking down in shame, "is work almost over?"

"You set the hours," she wasn't even joking anymore, she was surprised Zayn had said what he just said, very surprised he was really trying for her, of all people. She was just a girlfriend.

"Right," he looked to his left then back at the camera, "can you come over?"

"For what?"

"Just you. Like, I just wanna talk and stuff, like you wanted."

"Zayn, I'm in the middle of working--"

"Please?" he begged, "I just need some company."


"Is this what you do without me after work?"

"Yep," Zayn rolled over in the bed, sure not to disturb a sleeping Harley and a smaller Rhino between them. Crissle really wanted to touch him.

She looked over at his relaxed state. No shirt, no pants, not a care in the world. He was watching the large TV on the wall with his hands behind his head.

"How's the office?" he asked.

"It's great. Running smoothly as always."

"Good, good."

It was quiet after that, Crissle hugged Rhino, who was still sleeping. He squirmed in her arms and licked her face so much she started giggling.

"So cute," she cooed and laughed at him, "my little baby."

Zayn sighed dramatically, gripping the headboard behind him while still watching TV.


Zayn smiled cutely, his hands resting on his exposed stomach. "I want kisses but I don't deserve them at all."

"You're right."

He huffed.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"What, babe?"

"I'm sorry," he said louder, "like, seriously sorry, I'm so sorry."

Crissle sighed, letting go of Rhino, who finally woke up and hopped off the bed. "Harley."

The dog grumbled, opening his eyes and wiggling his little butt, which was missing a tail.

"Rhino just left, man."

Harley quickly got up, jumping off the bed and running out of Zayn's room. Those two were joined by the hip, no one ever saw Harley without Rhino and vice versa.

"How did he even know--"

Crissle shrugged, moving to straddle Zayn's lap and stare down at him. "Look at me."

"No," he crossed his arms and looked to the side, "I can tell you hate me and I don't wanna go through that again."


"Seriously, Criss. I already hate myself for doing what I did but I was so close to losing the best thing that has ever happened to me. I...I don't care about my power, or my success, just as long as I have you. Like, I want to have you like, forever."

Crissle nodded, her lips spreading into a smile. She bent down, her arms resting on each side of his face. They stared at each other for a moment before she spoke.

"And I'm not stupid?"



"Ridiculously untrue."


"Another fallacy."

"Just remember what I said because I will somehow get a hold of your dick and chop it off."

"I know," he flinched just like last time, "don't leave me please."

"I won't, baby," she kissed his cheeks and ran her fingers through his hair. Zayn held her waist and smiled when her lips reached his.

Fucking finally.

Crissle kept her hands in his hair and kissed him deeper. They hadn't had any physical contact in four days and by the way Zayn touched her now, he was missing it. Little pokes and rubs and caresses was all Crissle wanted. She missed him, no matter how mad she was, she still missed him.

She probably was stupid, honestly. To be with a man who assaulted her twice. Keeping a job where the boss was violent and harsh. Well, not towards her as much as others. It was hard to explain and no matter how much she didn't want to admit it, Crissle was falling hard for this man.

Zayn's lips chased hers as she pulled back to see his face. He hugged her close, his lips never leaving her skin.

"I missed you," he mumbled in her neck, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too," she said earnestly, "running an office and a relationship is hard."


"Mhm. Anyway, your sales are still up--"

"I had hope for you."

"Thank you."

"Bet it's better than ever," he grinned, his tongue showing behind his teeth, "sales going sky high I'll have to share the earnings with you."

"You already do."

"Mhm," his fingers ran over her cheek, "I missed you, baby girl."

Crissle grinned, leaning down and kissing him again. "Same."


suck on my balls pause

okay bye I have finals to study for

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