Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I laid on the ground, devastated that the love of my life left me. But he was more than the love of my life, I wanted him to be the love of my existence, I thought he wanted the same thing too. But I knew the other shoe should have dropped a long time ago. I knew he was too perfect for me, and it was only a matter of time before he realized it.

"He left me." The only words that I knew to speak, they were the only ones that my head could comprehend. Those three little words became my mantra, and though the meaning of the words disturbed me, they were eerily comforting at the same time. Stopping only brought the tears back, speaking them, the pain was numb. If only I could keep saying these words, maybe I'd stay numb. "He left me."

It didn't even matter that the ground was wet and cold. Two things about the weather I hated, but that didn't seem to matter as I drifted off to sleep. I don't know how long I was out for, but when I woke up, and took note of my surroundings, there were a few things that I noticed at the same time. First, what I could make of the sky through the treetops of the forest, it was dark. The sky wasn't too dark, just darker than when me and Edward entered the forest earlier. Twilight, thinking of the word reminded me of Edward saying that twilight was the safest time for his kind to be out.

I could also hear that there were voices calling my name, though they were far away from where I actually was. Charlie must have started a search party for me, I knew he'd be worried since normally I would have been home and had dinner prepared for him by now. Seeing my car in the driveway, with note as to where I've been, he would've panicked. In that respect, he was like my mother, Renee, though he'd never admit it.

But what frightened me the most were the vampires that were staring at me. The eyes were a vibrant red, so I knew that they were human drinkers. I could make out six pairs of eyes, staring back at me, and yet I wasn't afraid. I was too numb to care. There wasn't much to live for since he left me. It was odd, at least in my head, that I found it humorous that my impromptu mantra had found its way back to my lips. Even with the looming danger.

I moaned as a repositioned myself so that I was laying flat on my back instead of being curled into a ball. "So kill me and get it over with." I said. I was somewhat shocked that my voice was weak and defiant at the same time. Was that really me speaking?

"Ahh, so you know who we are?" the one with the long black hair said. He was also the closest to me, but the other vampires flanked him in a fan like stance. I raised myself slightly off of the ground so that I could take a closer look at the vampires that stood before me. He was magnificent in a long black robe that graced the forest floor. His skin was translucent white, not the skin of my Edward. Oops, he wasn't my Edward. But nonetheless, he was very chalky or papery. If he was human, and I had to touch him, I'd be too scared of breaking him.

He looked somewhat familiar and when I looked at the two that were immediately behind him. I started to put things together. One had the same jet black hair as the one before me and the other was a contrast of the other two, with snow white hair at his shoulders. I thought of my time in the Cullen house and realized that these were the trio of vampires that stood with Carlisle in the painting that hung in his office. "The Volterra?"

"Haha, brilliant," the one in the lead said. "Though we are actually called the Volturi. I see the Cullens' haven't kept much from you, my dear Bella." He raised his eyebrow as he said my name, and Iwas unclear as to how he even knew my name. But before I could ask any questions, the vampire continued. "Please excuse my rudeness, but my name is Aro. Alongside me are my brothers Marcus and Caius." He was kind enough to point out that the white haired one was Caius, which left Marcus to be the other black-haired one. "Also, you will notice Demetri, Jane and her brother Alec." They were easy to distinguish since Alec and Jane looked like twins. They both looked like angelic children, but their blood-red eyes gave away to such thoughts that revealed that they were truly monsters. Demetri looked as though he was as big as Emmett, even though I couldn't make out his build truly since they were all wearing identical robes to Aro.

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