Chapter 13

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I knew I was panicking, but there was no other way I could warn the Cullen's. I feared that my phone was bugged but without seeing Edward, there was no way I could be sure that he could even hear me. I opened my shield even though I knew I was out of range for him. Maybe it would help me broadcast louder to him. 'Edward, listen to me, don't get off the plane! I don't know how or even much, but Aro knows that someone is coming. I can't explain right now, but it's a trap. Please don't come anywhere near Volterra.'

I prayed that he heard me, and left my room. I walked humanly back to the antechamber. I needed as much time as possible to think and calm my nerves after that dream. I let my mind wander back to it, despite feeling unnerved.

I was sitting on my throne, surrounded by the ruling Volturi, as Aro called us. Gianna was handing robes to Edward, Alice and Jasper, their eyes were blood red. I was dry sobbing when I saw Esme, Carlisle, Emmett and Rose laying on the ground. Their lifeless bodies were being dragged into a fire pit. I had turned back to Aro and was dismayed at that the smile that was spread on his face was also shared by Caius.

I couldn't let that happen to anyone of my family.

All eyes were on me when I entered the antechamber since I was the only one that had left in the first place. Because if Aro found out about my warning to the Cullen's, I thought it best to play dumb. There was no telling what Aro would do to me, as I was convinced that he would see my actions as an act of treason. Keep it cool, keep it cool. I kept chanting to myself.

I could see that was all that I was going to get from him for the moment. I sat in my throne and awaited for Corin to walk through the door, hopefully without the Cullen's. I only needed to wait about five more minutes. Gianna opened the door and a very scared Corin walked through. Alone.

I raised an eyebrow to her and pretended to look back behind her for whoever was supposed to be there, just as everyone else was doing.

"Corin? What do you have to report." I was amazed that Aro was able to turn what should have been a question into a demand.

"Nobody was on the plane. Well, at least none of the Cullen's. I watched the plane deboard, and even boarded the plane myself to double check, they weren't there. There wasn't even a record of any of them on the manifest."

"Demetri!" Aro screamed needlessly. I had to admit I was startled by the urgency in his voice. Demetri stood up from his throne and turned to face Aro. "Did you or did you not tell me that two of the Cullen's were on a plane?"

Demetri bowed his head in reverence to Aro, or maybe shame. "Yes Master." I looked over to him without turning my head.

"Who was it?"

"The blond one and her mate." He looked over to me.

"Rosalie and Emmett." I chimed in.

"Well they mean nothing to me. Afton!"

Afton practically materialized right in front of me. I wondered what his part in this was.

"Afton, correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that you confirmed that they were on the plane. Did you not get visual confirmation?" Aro was shouting, if he had been human, I would have worried he was going to pop a blood vessel.

"I did Master. It was as Demetri said." In a spilt second there were several things that took place; I heard Aro snap his fingers and suddenly Afton was being ripped apart. Aro slipped something silvery out of his robe and Afton was on fire.

I couldn't let him do the same to Demetri. Sure he got on my nerves but I didn't believe he deserved the same fate as Afton. "Aro, they were probably going on another honeymoon. Though I can't explain why they weren't on any paperwork. But Rosalie and Emmett take frequent trips away from the family often." I said. I hadn't even realized that I stood up. "I wouldn't think you'd have to worry about them."

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