Chapter 5

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Corin kept telling me that I was a glutton for punishment, as we were following Charlie's cruiser over to the Cullen house. I was wondering the same thing since I was sitting in the back seat, but I found the friendship that was forming between me and my new companions to be odd and comforting at the same time. It was odd because it was almost like they deferred to me, as if they were waiting on my command. Comforting because of this strange little mission it felt like I didn't need Edward or any of the Cullen's for that matter. At the drop of a hat, they left me. I don't even think that I cared about their grief anymore than I did for Jessica or Lauren's. And for that reason alone, I had no qualms about going to the house.

But the confrontation with Edward outside the school shook me up. Being that close to him, his cool breath rushing over my face with every word; it was enough for shivers to go down my spine.

"Corin, if we don't go to the house, Edward will get suspicious of the three mystery friends from Phoenix. What if he asks Renee more probing questions about us? Renee will eventually realize that she has no idea who we are, and then the entire Cullen family will be searching for us."

"So let them look." She said. "It's not like they'll ever find us, none of us look like ourselves right now."

"You act like they can't try to sniff us out. They may not be trackers, but once they, Edward especially, become determined, there's no changing their minds." I noted. I only vaguely remembered the way they saved me from James. "As it is now, I have no idea how Alice of all people hasn't seen me coming."

"That's the one that can see the future, right?" Demetri asked as Corin turned left into the Cullen's long driveway. The last time I had been down the drive was when Edward brought me here for my birthday party. The night that essentially started this whole mess. I tried imagining how different my life would have been if the Volturi hadn't been the ones who found me. What would have been of my life had someone from Charlie's search party found me?

We started getting out of the car, when I thought popped into my head. 'Corin? Can you make our eyes look like we've been crying?' I asked, but I made sure that Demetri heard the question as well before we were surrounded by people. Corin nodded her head and I looked in the side mirror. Perfect. Maybe this will confuse Edward even more, since vampires don't have tears to cry. Once again, I checked the shield around Demetri and Corin, even though I knew they were secure.

As I would expect, my arm instinctively found its way around Demetri's waist , as we walked into a room full of humans and a handful of vampires. Tanya, Kate, and Irina were talking with Rose and Emmett, about Laurent in the corner by Edward's new piano. Irina said something about Laurent being interested in the lifestyle, but he wasn't ready to commit, just yet at least.

I didn't see Carmen anywhere around but I did see Esme. She was putting a huge spread of food out on the buffet tables that were set up in the living room. Glancing around the room, there was a nice gathering of people. Of course some of the students that I went to school with were here. I shook my head in disgust when I saw Lauren and Jessica leering around the house. Seeing them confirmed my suspicions that they were more so curious about the allusive Cullen's than with bereavement for me. Angela and Ben were standing by the huge big screen t.v., with Alice of all people. I guess when not surrounded by Emmett, Jasper, or even Rose; Alice didn't look so intimidating. I walked over to them, thinking they would be helpful with information. Demetri and Corin followed me, poor Corin looked so uncomfortable being in close proximity of all these humans.

'Corin are you going to be okay?' I looked back for an answer, and was disappointed when she shook her head 'no'. 'Okay, go hunt, but not within Forks, please. And take the truck, I know it's slower than running, but with it missing, there's an excuse for your absence.' Corin couldn't get out of there fast enough. I took a look at Demetri as well. It was hard to tell how hungry he was since his eyes were neither red or black, but a beautiful shade of green. Demetri do you want to go with her?' He bent close to my ear and whispered, "I'm here for you Bree." I was startled that he called me Bri and not Bella, but when I turned my head back towards the direction we were walking, I saw that we were almost directly next to Alice and Angela.

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