Chapter 18

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Carlisle insisted I remain in the hospital a couple of days, and I was suddenly aware of how much I hated my brilliant idea. Now instead of being cooped up in a house months at a time, I was cooped up in a bed. I couldn't even walk unless I was "going to the bathroom." I tried telling myself that it was temporary, but I was going stir crazy.

Alice and Edward stayed in my room until Esme called and asked them if they were going to school. Of course they refused to leave. Alice said the school should understand that her best friend was just found in a traumatic state and they couldn't expect her to leave my side.

"Alice, you don't have to be so dramatic you know." I heard Esme's voice over the phone.

"I know, but everybody else got bigger roles to play in the deception. Me and Eddie just had to act like it was the first time hearing about it while we were at school." I laughed at Alice's pouting skills and Edward merely scolded her for calling him Eddie.

"Don't worry. I'll call the school. Bella I'll be up later to see you." I nodded stupidly as if she could see me through the phone and Alice hung up. Alice put the finishing touches on my makeup so that it looked like I had some deep purple bruises on my face.

"How are my eyes?" I asked. I was a glutton when I went hunting before I was found because Carlisle knew that I would need to stay in the room for a while until I was released.

"Still golden." Alice said as she plopped back on the bed beside me. All three of us laid on the bed, though I was a bit too comfortable laying in Edward's arms.

"So you guys never told me how everyone at school found out. How did everyone react?"

"Well, it wasn't until about fifteen minutes after your mental alert, that it was announced over the public announcement. As soon as the announcement was made, there was a mad dash of students looking to leave. Some wanted to come visit you, as you caught a glimpse of yesterday. Others, like Lauren wanted to do some shopping." I rolled my eyes thinking of that girl. Her voice was so irritating. With my vampire appearance, I honestly couldn't wait to see her and shoot down every chance she thought she had at tearing me apart.

"Okay who else?" I asked.

"Let's see, I was surprised Newton was able to show actual concern over your well being. He didn't have any renewed fantasies of you at all. Taylor and Eric as well, were behaved mentally. Angela felt relief, as did Ben Chaney. Jessica was similar to Lauren only she held a lot more contempt for your return. She's hoping that you're bruised beyond recognition." I couldn't figure out what had happened that left Jessica so cruel towards me. She knew I didn't want Mike, so that couldn't be it. Was she still pining for Edward? Ha like that would ever happen.

"Where's Charlie?"

"He's in the bathroom, regretting the cup of coffee he bought from the cafeteria." I honestly didn't know how anyone could eat anything that came out of a hospital. As if on cue, the nurse walked in with a cart full of the disgustingly bland food.

"Here you go dear. You need to get your strength up after the ordeal you just went through." She left and I quickly said a prayer of thanks that she wasn't the type to wait for the food to be eaten.

"How are we gonna get rid of this?" Even when I was human I wouldn't be caught dead eating that.

"I'll take care of that." Alice hopped out of the bed and grabbed the tray of food. Peering out in the hallway, I heard her humming the Mission Impossible theme song as she ran at full speed. She was back in the room within two seconds with the empty tray.

"I dumped it in the dumpster." I couldn't help but look at her strangely. She was impossible.

"Isabella Swan? I have good news." I heard someone come through the door. I didn't recognize the voice, and since I knew I'd never see the inside of this hospital again, I didn't even correct him on my name. I immediately started acting as if I was in pain with the motion of turning towards him. "I'm Dr. Mullings. Forgive me for not introducing myself. But you are free to go. Everything looks good."

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