Chapter 12

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The return trip back to Volterra was pretty much painless. Though, I was disappointed that I didn't have a dream. No matter how many different times or ways I tried to relax, nothing came to me. I finally gave up somewhere over India, and opened my eyes. I remembered then that I had wanted to talk to Eleazar about these dreams but stupid Edward interrupted my plans. Maybe I'd make a special trip out to Alaska when I was sure the Cullen's were gone. Or maybe a simple phone call would suffice. One thing I was sure of, until I knew more about what my dreams meant, I couldn't tell anyone.

I climbed in the passenger seat as Jane picked us up yet again from the strip, and I was slightly surprised that she seemed more pleasant at my presence than usual. I guess in my absence she grew fonder of me? "How was everything?" She asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but Felix decided it was his turn to speak up.

"Everything was fine, until Bella went psychotic on her boyfriend." Jane looked at me puzzled and intrigued. At least she was trying to make an effort, the least I could do was try as well.

"Felix, I did not go psycho. I was doing my job, and the Cullen's interfered with a visit of their own. Edward happened to hear the entire conversation that was between Eleazar and I, and pieced everything together. He knows I'm here." I closed my eyes, remembering the stunned and hurt look on his face when he first saw me. I wouldn't have been surprised if my face mirrored his. I know for me, I was reliving every moment that we shared, though I struggled with my memories a bit since I was human for every one of them.

As soon as Jane pulled into the garage, I ran out of the car, not even waiting for her to park it. I was beyond the pleasantries and barged into the antechamber. I didn't see Aro there, but Marcus and Caius were talking amongst themselves.

"Ahhh, Bella. You've returned! Such pleasant news. How was your trip?" Caius inquired. I looked over to Marcus who was forever bored with everything.

"It went well. The subject was in place as directed." I informed him. I wanted to wait for Aro so I can debrief everyone at once. I hate repeating myself.

"And there were no problems?" Marcus spoke up. I'd almost forgotten what his voice sounded like since he so rarely spoke to anyone but to Caius and Aro.

"One. Edward knows I'm here. The Cullen's were visiting the Denali's, everyone saw me." I looked around, and still Aro had not shown up. "Excuse me, I would like to speak to Aro on the matter as well. I want to know what to do. Is he around?"

"Bella, I'm afraid you've just missed him. He went up to the tower, but should return shortly." Marcus said. However, I didn't miss Caius cutting his milky red eyes in Marcus' direction. I guess Marcus had said too much, only I didn't know what.

The thought of the tower sent a shudder through my body. There were plenty of rumors as to what happened up there. Plenty of the vampires believed that Aro was sadistic enough to carry on acts of torture. Some thought he used that as an additional library, holding some of his valuable collections. Despite the tender side of my father that I knew, I tended to believe in the former. I was perfectly fine waiting in the antechamber, though I didn't need to wait long.

Aro came gliding into the great hall from the staircase, seemingly not touching the floor. His hood was down and Renata was of course right behind him, shielding him no doubt. "Ahhh, Bella, Bella. My daughter has returned. I trust everything went well?"

'No. Edward was there.' I thought to him. 'He knows I'm here with you.'

"Hmm. I had a feeling that might happen. That is of no consequence on your part, however dear." I looked at him in disbelief.

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