Chapter 7

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"You know, you're a long ways from home." I said as I straightened out of a defensive crouch.

"Bella?" Edward whispered, but even his voice betrayed him. "Is it you?"

I let out a huge sigh, as I couldn't or rather I didn't want to deal with this. "No. I am not Bella. I'm just someone who once knew her."

"But you're name isn't Brianna."

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"David, or whatever his name is, called your friend Corin, but you introduced her as Cayla. And then there was..." He trailed off, unsure how he should proceed next. He took a step out of the tree line completely, and walked over to me gingerly.

"And then what?" Of all the days that he choose to be perceptive. Though I knew that was wrong, Edward was always perceptive, and it would have been my guess that he got better at it being around me and my shield.

"At one point, I could have sworn I heard David call you Bella." I replayed the events of the entire day in my head, and there was never a moment that he called me Bella.

"And when was this? What did he say exactly? Besides my first name the only thing my boyfriend calls me is Bree."

"It was when he kissed you on the forehead, right before you guys left." Crap, he had heard his thoughts. That's the only explanation. The Corin/Cayla slip I had picked up on, but the kiss had brought back some repressed memories and I lost my concentration for a moment. "He said, 'I hope Bella is really down with this clown.' Or something like that." I couldn't tell if Edward was editing Demetri's voice or if he actually told me what Demetri was thinking.

"No, darling. You're mistaken. David didn't say anything after he kissed me. He headed back to the car with Cayla, whose middle name is Corin. Sometimes we call her by her middle name, even though she hates it." Where were the lies coming from?

"Where is Bella? I know you know. I have to know" He demanded. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the vampire that stood before me, but why did he care where I was? He purposely left me to die; literally, emotionally, and physically.

My body reacted to Edward's so naturally. I took a step towards him and placed my hand on his arm. "Don't bother, your Bella is dead." I ran away, leaving Edward standing stumped and in awe. With the newborn strength, even if he tried to chase after me, I was too fast for him.

I ran about fifty miles east, before running north towards Alaska. I kept running as a constant blur through the vegetation that made up the region. Along the way I found a mountain lion that was hunting a couple of campers. I did them a favor and drained it before they knew of its presence or mine for that matter.

The running cleared my head a bit, but by the time I made it to Eleazar's house in Denali, the rage made its way back into my mind. I entered the house and saw Demetri sitting on the arm of the couch, recounting what happened in Forks. I walked over to him and without warning ripped both of his arms off.

Demetri's scream rang throughout the house, and it may have been possible for a nearby hiker to hear and wonder where the inhuman scream came from. I immediately felt bad and helped him with reattaching his arms. "Sorry." I muttered.

"Bella, what was that for?" Aro asked irritated, but more so amused at the same time.

I shook my head in an effort to recollect my thoughts, and to calm myself down. "Edward was able to pick up a couple of holes in our cover story because of some things he overheard from Demetri. Though one of them was my fault, since my shield faltered for a split second."

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