Chapter 2

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"You are truly an astonishing creature. Immortality suits you my dear Bella."

Those were the first words I'd heard when my transformation was complete. I opened my eyes to only three pairs of eyes this time, only their eyes were black. No longer blood-red, which, from my experience with the Cullen's, it only meant that they were thirsty. I slowly lifted my body off of the table that I was on, and swung my legs around so that I was facing Aro, flanked by Caius and Marcus. My mind registered that it was only the four of us as soon as I even opened my eyes, though I couldn't help but look around anyway.

The room that I was in was beautiful. It was a circular room with a domed ceiling. There were paintings all along the wall and ceiling that seemed to tell a beautiful never ending story of angels, demons, and it looked like there was gold inlaid into the walls as well. There was no furniture in there, save for the table in the center that served as my temporary pyre.

As I took in the room, my attention never left Aro's face. "Beautiful is not the word I could use to describe you, my child. Are you thirsty?"

So that's what the annoying burning was on the back of my throat. I hadn't paid much attention to it, honestly, and I first noticed it when I saw their eyes. I shrugged and hopped off of the table. At some point during the transformation, someone had dressed me in a khaki skirt and a red blouse. Caius held out a black robe for me and I slid into it. It was quite comfortable as the hood was placed over me.

I followed the three vampires into another room where they sat on the thrones that were at the head of the area. I stood at the base of the steps that led to the stage where the three thrones were, but Aro waved me closer and had me stand next to his throne. Somewhere behind me I heard a violent hiss, which I could only assume came from Jane. I turned my head towards her so that she could see my crooked smile as I took my spot next to Aro.

"After dinner, we will get you settled into your accommodations. Gianna will bring over some catalogs for you to peruse through for your room. We already have a temporary room set up for you, but I am sure that you will want something with your touch. Ahh, here's Heidi with dinner now."

I looked away from Aro and at the long door that opened from the floor all the way to the ceiling. A gorgeous female walked through the door, and her beauty rivaled Rosalie's. She had long legs that never ended and her eyes were a strange color violet. I assumed she had blue contacts over her red eyes.

Behind her there was a group of thirty-five people that followed in amazement of their surroundings. I now understood why Aro was so excited to see Heidi. While the other vampires started calling which of the humans they wanted, I continued to stare off. There was no way I could take part in this.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Volterra, Italy. Let's eat." I gathered that was the usual greeting that was spoken since all of the vampires descended on the unsuspecting humans at the same time. They hardly had time to scream.

One by one the humans were drained and dropped to the floor. When Aro was done with his, a female tourist from the looks of her, he turned to look at me since I never moved an inch. I raised an eyebrow in response to his questioned look.

"I thought you were thirsty my child. Do you not like the human that was left for you?" I looked ever so slightly over to the tall man that was petrified into silence as he looked at the horror that befell the group he came in with.

I shook my head, with my arm still resting on Aro's throne. But before I got a chance to answer, Jane decided to answer for me.

"Humph. Look she's damaged goods; she hasn't spoken one word yet. She probably wants to dine off of animals like her precious Cullen's." The contempt that leaked out of her mouth sent a rage through my entire being.

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