Chapter 3

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I for one was glad to be in Denali. They were the only other vegetarian family that I knew of besides those that could not be mentioned.

Upon meeting them, I could see that there were five of them. And of course they were all gorgeous, especially the blond, but nowhere near as beautiful as Ro- I mean Heidi. The one who was named Eleazar introduced us to his family. His mate's name was Carmen, and the three that were posing as their daughters were Tanya, Irina, and Kate. I could tell that they were uncomfortable with us being there. Eleazar started by introducing his family but before Aro could introduce us, the girls split.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit Aro?" Eleazar asked. He whispered something in Carmen's ear that I had trouble following, it was in French. Carmen then promptly left the room, following the girls.

"Bella here is our newest acquisition, and her gifts could be quite amazing if she was properly trained. Tell me old friend, what are her gifts?"

Eleazar gave a deep sigh for consideration but it was all for show. "Hmmm, you are right, her abilities are extraordinary. There are two gifts that are dominant within. There looks to be a third actually but the aura around it is dimming, and has since she was changed. That one was linked to sleep, which as you know we never do."

"Eleazar kept talking and it kind of felt weird that I was listening to him and thinking about something else entirely. But I was curious about this dormant but dead gift. "Wait." I interrupted. "My dreams?"

"Well yes," he started slightly peeved that I interrupted him. "You're dreams had the ability to see the resolve to a situation before you realized there was even a situation. More so than your average human, to the point that many of them very, well, could have been considered as prophecy. As a human, you were somewhat similar to Alice Cullen, only during sleep though. If you had the proper training then, you may have been just as good as her too."

"I allowed myself to be sad for losing Alice, just this once, for a couple of reasons: at one point, there was something that we shared in common, that we could have shared together. Another reason was because I wasn't the one that brought her name up. At least that's what I kept telling myself.

"But your gifts now, I see that you are a shield and for lack of a better term, you are also a sword. All mentally of course. Given the proper training, you'll be able to shield others from mental attacks and allow your thoughts to penetrate anybody's mind. You have the perfect companion of gifts. I don't think I've ever come across anyone with two gifts let alone even one that's quite so magnificent."

"Excellent. Will you provide this training?" Aro asked without hesitation.

"Forgive me Aro, but old wounds run deep in my family. My daughters' pain still haunts them from a previous encounter with you. They will be gone for four days, until this Sunday, you may stay till then, and I will do what I can for the girl."

"Oh, and where did your girls go?" Aro asked inquisitively.

"They will be staying with friends, in Washington, for the time being at least?"

My ears perked up, "Washington?" Aro and Eleazar looked at me suspiciously, and I didn't care? I tried to sound curious without being too anxious for an answer. "What part of Washington?"

"Forks. Aro, you remember Carlisle, I'm sure. His family suffered a loss to one of their human friends. The funeral is this Saturday." Eleazar spoke to Aro even though I asked the question, and I was only slightly offended.

The Cullen's stayed in Forks? How did they manage that? Did Edward say they left several days before he was? I was trying to remember that horrible day as much as possible, but my mind was having a hard time processing the darkest day of my human life. I probably would have tried to block it out had I remained human anyway.

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