Chapter 15

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I could feel my eyes rolling in the back of my head and nearly I collapsed from the sensation of it, not from pain. I barely could register that Edward was holding me up in his arms still. I heard him screaming my name and deciding to carry me back to the house. The frantic voices of the Cullen's were panicked for my well-being.

The flashes of light that were blasting away in my head were blinding and bright. I concentrated on opening my shield so that Edward could get an idea of what was going on in my head. I wasn't sure I could completely trust my memory of what I was seeing.

Every human memory since coming to Forks were just as vibrant as if I was watching a movie. Most of my memories were of Edward and his family, and through the convulsions, I could tell I was smiling. The trip down memory lane journeyed as far as my last human day in Forks. The day Edward left me. Then something strange happened. As I was watching myself crying in the murky earth of the forest, I saw my essence, for lack of a better term, rise from my body and float away. There was a pulling at my dead heart when I figured that was the moment I had died.

But when I looked closer at my soul flying away, I realized that it actually was resting in a figure that stood too far away for any human to see. I focused and saw my soul in Aro. Instantly, there was a whooshing noise and I was suddenly seeing myself from Aro's perspective.

"Brothers, it is very interesting that this Edward trusts his human with our secret, and wishes to leave her. All the while, I think it best that we take her with us." Aro's voice was still very calm and polite, but hearing it now only made me sneer.

"And how would you want to proceed Aro? You saw the note the boy left, if we take her, the humans will no doubt search for the Cullen's. We can't have that." I heard Caius' voice.

"I trust Renata's control of the bloodlust. Renata, darling, go draw some of her blood, but take care not to drink or smell it. Destroy the note, ransack her house, and splatter some of the blood on the walls. Make it look like there was a struggle and she was abducted. We can't let people think that the Cullen's were involved." I saw Renata run up to my body and then run off out of the forest towards my house. The remaining guard was walking ever so closely to my resting spot.

I was looking directly at my body, when I moaned and repositioned myself. "So kill me and get it over with." I remembered speaking those words when I first noticed the strange vampires staring at me. I thought my voice was weak and defiant, but it was so hoarse that I didn't even recognize it at first.

I remember the conversation well, and it replayed without disappointment. Aro held out his hand to help me up, and I saw him closing his eyes, but I felt the shock that went through him as he opened them. He was trying to read my mind and couldn't. That was when I realized that this wasn't my memory. It was his.

I was the proverbial fly on the wall. "She is an excellent specimen. She is to join us." Aro said.

"The Cullen's will come after us."

"And? With what she can do as a human, she'll be magnified. Imagine, two shields, along with the force that we currently have. Vladimir and Stefan will have no chance in hell, trying to reclaim what we have. And you know as we speak, they plot their revenge!" Aro didn't even find it necessary to breathe when he spoke. "And if the Cullen's come, they can join the guard as well.

"Look." Marcus said, in a monotone voice. I turned my head with Aro as he looked in the direction that Marcus was pointing to. I saw the fog that Alec was sending over to where I was standing, completely unaffected by his efforts.

"You see my dear brothers, she is amazing. I think she would be the perfect addition to our guard. Look how she stands, despite our little Jane and formidable Alec. Shall this be put to a vote?"

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