Chapter 1

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Filler/ Info chapter 1:

3 a.m.

As each heavy foot step grew closer, my heart race picked up. I threw on my shoes not bothering to tie them. My feet hit the floor, the summer breeze flowing through my window. I pulled my window screen open, it scraping loudly. The fall down is high, but I don't care. I hoped on the window sill and perched until I had full balance.

I prepared myself to jump onto the roof of the small house nextdoor. I jumped and hit the roof hard, hitting my face, and probably scraping up my legs. The pain motaviated me, I ran to the end and jumped off landing on my feet this time.

My high-top all black converse scraped the sidewalk as I ran down my block for one of the last times. I was wearing a black sweatshirt and pajama softie black shorts. My hair was down, and I had no makeup on. I don't care whose out at 3 a.m. anyway. I kept running and running.

My name is Alexis Phoniex Robinson. I was born in Chicago, and that's where I live today. I am a only child, I live with my mother, my father, and my cousins. My dad works mostly in Washington, so he's never home, like now. I am 15 years old and its the summer before I start 10th grade.

My 5 of my cousins live with us because my uncle is in jail and my aunt passed away, but they are like my siblings. I have lived with them since I was young. My uncle is in jail for life.

My hair is longer than it should be, I am too lazy to get it cut. Its dirty blonde, different shades dark and light of blonde everywhere within it. I dip dyed the ends black. I have blue-gray eyes, and I'm 5'4.

I have one cat, he is pretty much my kid. I'm into a huge variety of music. I really love rock bands though. Like Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce the Veil, Anarbor, and more.

A lot of people assume I am the typical white girl that likes country and wants to be popular. But I am the opposite. Don't get me wrong I love being nice to people and having a lot of friends. But I am more of a darker spirited person if you know what I mean.

I am not really the popular type because I don't smoke or go to parties, or be a bitch to people for no reason. Like the popular girls at my school. They don't like me at all. Ha ha. I like playing that roll in the school though.

As I ran memories floated through my mind, I have a lot of friends here in Chicago, but that's all about to change. For my sophomore year and my last years of high school I will be attending Degrassi in Canada.. My dad's work moved him to some place in Canada. Him being my dad he bought us a house in Canada far away from where he'll be working so we won't see him a lot again.

I am not that upset about the move. I have lived in Chicago my whole life and I will miss the city. I grew up here, I have always felt its where I belong. But its good to experience new things. Also its not like I will have to make friends there. I will have my cousins with me. They are all the friends I need right? If I don't make any real friends there, I won't have any problems, no drama. So that's my plan really, to get in and be the loner and get out. But that probably won't work, I like having friends, and being social. I just don't like getting hurt. I don't like ended up alone, but I feel that will always happen anyway.

I finally got to my destination, the park. This park is 2 or so miles from my house, I'm used to running here. I sat down at my bench. Its way past curfew, if any police come around I'll get caught for sure. But I didn't care. Here in Chicago there is a law curfew for kids under 18, I don't know if they have that anywhere else.

I've been caught before a couple times, but the cops always know I'm not doing anything wrong so they usually just drive me home. If the cops don't come, then my older cousin Brandon would. He would pull up in his red pick up truck. He would tell me everythings okay, and that he made the man leave finally.

Brandon would make it safe for me to come home. Not tonight though, Brandon left for college last week. He's going to college in California, he gets to live the good life while I'm shipped off to cold Canada. I miss him. He was the closet thing to a older brother that I ever had.

I run like this because my dads gone. Since my dads gone, my mom goes to a bar after work. She always gets drunk, and brings home a dirty man. He's always drunk too, an alcholic probably. She brings him home late at night, they fool around, and do their thing. They always end up fighting, or disagreeing on something. He will come upstairs and try to get to me, if he does he just takes his anger out from my mom.

I will never understand why men and women get abusive when they drink. But they just do. I have gotten used to this from many years of expierence. So I do what I did today, I jump out my window and sneak out. I run until I get here, and then Brandon would bring me home.

I sighed out heavily, I looked around at the pretty park. I wish I could have a normal family, a happy one. My dad would come home every night, and my mom would work and come home also. They would make dinner and be happy.

That's impossible for us, I will never know what it feels like to have a happy family. When we get to Canada, my mom won't do that for a while. But once she gets settled in, I'm sure she'll start. She'll get bad again, it will get bad again. I'll get bad again. I'll have to find a way to get out from my new room that I'll have.

I tied both of my shoes on the bench, then got up and started walking the long walk home.

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