A Dream for a Nightmare

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This Poem is about having a dream that turned into a nightmare at the end.


Broken window shows each dream,

Shattered lie you can't redeem.

A wish upon a twisted heart,

Diamond lie that ripped apart.

Shards of truth a pane of glass,

A broken dream that came to pass.

A teardrop fallen in the rain,

An unseen symbol of your pain.

A silver thread upon the ground

of lost hopes that couldn't be


A web of lies and deceit,

Twisted from each defeat.

Bound by hatred from a flame,

Burning bright,

turning the blame.

Blood red tears that fall right


Showing all that wasn't true.

A dream twisted to the end,

A lie to truth from which you bend.

A cold hatred from above,

Back to silence shattered by love,

A dreaming wish, fallen from a heart

As each lie rips it apart.

A teardrop falls from each eye,

A wish that came in the form of a


Hopes that shattered upon the


Lies that were hidden behind a


A dreaming eye that went unseen,

Reliving everything had it been.

A wish each year to have it sell.

Your secrets that you can not tell.

Hidden by all yet free to see

Each truth, lie, dream and wish as

they be.

To turn them back, a nightmare


Losing battles, memories fade.

And hopes and dreams are sold


A lie born into a day.

A reality turned back on you,

From a truth they never knew

Careful all, for you will see,

That secrets and dreams aren't

safe to be.

They take your dream, twist it


Shatter the memories upon the


Whisked away by just one scream,

They give you back your twisted


But when they do, this I tell,

Your dream in exchange for a

nightmare is what you sell.

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