Waste Disposal of Medicines

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All practices have a duty to ensure that:

· All waste is stored and disposed of responsibly

· Waste is only handled or dealt with by those authorised to do so

· Appropriate records are kept of all waste that is transferred or received

The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) regulations 2005 implement the European Waste Framework Directive WFD (2006/12/EC), which controls the disposal of hazardous waste. Classification of waste has been replaced by European Waste Catalogue (EWC) codes. All pharmaceutical waste is classified under Healthcare Waste. The British Veterinary Association has produced guidelines

BSAVA Textbook 5th edition Page 203

Using the textbook complete the following table giving examples of treatments you know.

Type of Waste


Examples of Drugs – generic names

Disposal Method

Whole Pharmaceuticals

Returned out of date and damaged pharmaceuticals

Spillages and breakages

Contain using a 'spill kit' sand, sawdust, cat litter to absorb. Container – pharmaceutical waste bin. Record and make available to disposal contractor

Controlled Drugs

Schedule 2 Drugs

Opiates, Morphine, Pethidine

Waste should be denatured then dispose of in a standard pharmaceutical waste bin. The bin must be clearly recoded as a controlled drug which should be witnessed by someone from the home office. Must then be recorded in the Controlled Drug register and signed by the witness. Residual amounts do not need to be denatured however schedule 3, 4, and 5 must be denatured. A witness however is not required

Cytotoxic and Cytostatic Drugs

Cancer chemotherapeutic drugs, anti-viral drugs, ciclosporins etc.

These must be separated from other pharmaceutical waste and disposed of by specialist contractors who must destroy them by incineration. Waste must be put in a yellow and purple and purple lidded sharps bin. The EWC code and the H code must be clearly visible on the waste container and licensed collection vehicles.

Residue Pharmaceuticals

Used vials or injectable medicines bottles

Snap tops should be disposed of in the sharps bin

Residue Pharmaceuticals


The environmental agency advice that needles are not separated from each other and should be disposed of together. Provided the practice has had training separation may be considered. In this case the syringe can be disposed of in the pharmaceutical waste container and the needles are disposed of in the yellow topped bins

Now that you have covered the disposal I would like you to summarise the COSHH regulations and before next week make sure that you look at your own ones in practice with regard to medicines

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